#308 - Carlson's Return, 3-Man Action Hero Tag Teams, & Would You Rather

Host: TJ, Brett, & Krissy

Segment One: The Carlsons return! During their absence, much home renovations occurred as well as painting. This leads to a discussion on creepy items you can find in rafters and foundations. The 4th of July brings explosions and soundbites. TJ visits a fan. and has some regret over his animation intro picks from last week.

Segment Two: FGS presents a bullet smuggler with a talented undercarriage. HOT TAKES brings more reviews on the latest Indiana Jones flick. The resulting conversation leads to an epic discussion about action heroes including: Choices for our own 3-man action hero tag team and destroying Collider’s joke of a Top 10 Action Heroes list.

segment three: REDDIT FUN bring us another round of Would You Rather with horrifying results. Plus, PICKS O’ THE WEEK!

Give your ears some sweet podcast candy, Whimper! It’s THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on July 17, 2023 .

#307 - Indiana Jones Review, Stitcher Goes Bye-Bye, & A Guest Host

Hosts: TJ & Special Guest Derek Crabbe

Segment One: It’s marathon time as TJ has to break the emergency glass and bring on Good Friend Of The Show, Derek Crabbe. The guys catch up on what Derek’s been up to during and since the Spokane Convention, including Heroes Con, Smurfette In Spokane, crazed homeless people, and the stupidity of using licensed characters in your comic universe. Nerd glories abound!

Segment Two: FGS brings assault with a deadly Big Gulp. HOT TAKES has up catch up on THE GRIM REAPER ROUND UP. After 10 year, podcast catcher Stitcher announces it closing down and the guys wax philosophical about the future of the over saturated podcast catching app market. TJ gives a review on Indiana Jones and The Dial Of Destiny. Finally, after listening to the recent Fanholes podcast, TJ comes up with his own list of Top 5 Western Animation Show Intros and runs it past Derek.

Segment Three: In this week’s REDDIT FUN, TJ tests Derek’s knowledge of comic book artists’ first appearances. Let the games begin! Plus, PICKS O’ THE WEEK!

Two grumpy nerds, one awesome podcast! It’s THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on July 10, 2023 .

#306 - Spoiler Filled Flash Review, IG/Miley Cyrus Fun, & Enigma #5!

Hosts: TJ, Brett, & Krissy

This week on the show:

Segment One: It’s a high energy show as Brett recovers from a bout of the illness earlier in the week leading to a round of Damon For The Defense as Krissy blames TJ for the issue. Brett also gets new mover parts and we get into the nightmare of mowing wet grass. TJ forgot to mention last week the release of the latest issue of Enigma (#5 now available at www.quadmproductions.com)! Goals are summarily wished for…

Then comes the power outage…

Brett reveals bingo winnings. And then begins TJ current obsession with IG reels…

Segment Two: FGS brings us a female bike rider getting pulled over and cops finding a meth pipe and a baby raccoon! HOT TAKES presents the spoiler laden review of the divisive Flash film.

Segment Three: REDDIT FUN asks “What’s the most awkward thing to say after sex?” And PICK O’ THE WEEK!

Crisis averted! It’s THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on June 26, 2023 .

#305 - Lilac City Recap, Iron Sheik, & Story Time With Krissy

Hosts: TJ, Brett, & Krissy

This week on the show:

Segment One: The gang returns from Spokane! Brett gets more lawn work in. Krissy goes on a Thelma and Louise style road trip. TJ settles in to his new job.

Segment Two: FGS brings us a moron who decides to AirDrop nudes to the realtors he was applying for an apartment with. HOT TAKES remembers Treat Williams and the legendary Iron Sheik. Then the gang relives the awesome weekend spent shilling Quad M at the Lilac City Comic Con in Spokane.

Segment Three: REDDIT FUN gives us another round of Srotytime with Krissy! Enjoy “Suzie Likes To Look At Balls” with the rest of the gang! Plus, PICKS O’ THE WEEK!

Thanks for an amazing con, Spokane! It’s THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on June 19, 2023 .

#304 - Terrifier 3 News, Marq's Wresting Quiz, & Off To A Con

Hosts: TJ, Brett, & Special Guest Marq Piocos

This week on the show:

Segment One: The show kicks off with the awesomeness of porn and booze the gang’s youth (See what happens when Krissy’s not around???). TJ’s losing his Bingo Swagger. Brett’s left in charge and doesn’t like it one bit. It’s no rest for the wicked as TJ gets everything ready for the upcoming convention in Spokane.

Segment Two: We are joined by special guest and Junior Producer Marq Piocos as FGS brings us a law firm leaving the legal work to chatbots. HOT TAKES gives us a catch up on the goings-on of Marq and learn of some quality stop to make on our next Vegas visit. We look at an announcement regarding Terrifier 3’s budget and Marq brings the boys a Man On The Street quiz from an indie wrestling event.

Segment Threes: REDDIT FUN asks “What lesson did you learn from your first relationship?” Plus, PICKS O’ THE WEEK!

See you at Lilac City Comic Con in Spokane, WA June 10 & 11! It’s THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on June 5, 2023 .

#303 - Super Mario Bros. Movie Review, Lilac City Comic Con Updates, & A Special Guest

Hosts: TJ, Brett, Krissy, & Special Guest: Derek Crabbe

This week on the show:

Segment One: Brett loves his yardwork. Krissy is terrified of birds. TJ provides many updates on the upcoming Lilac City Comic Con in Spokane. Krissy is an arsonist. TJ apologizes for his editing guffaw from last week’s show. Krissy gets hit with a judgment boomerang.

Segment Two: FGS brings us Arson: The Musical. HOT TAKES has us joined by special guest Derek Crabbe. We remember Tina Turner. TJ shocks Krissy while reviewing The Super Mario Bros. Movie.

Segment Three: REDDIT FUN asks “What can you say both during sex and graduation?” Plus, PICKS O’ THE WEEK!

Have a happy and safe Memorial Day! it’s THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on May 29, 2023 .

#302 - Disney's Sleeping On Alien/Predator Anime, Jim Brown & NFL G.O.A.T.s, & Krissy The Bingo Queen

Hosts: TJ, Brett, & Krissy

This week on the show:

Segment One: Krissy hates the mis-pronunciation of Italy. Brett’s week is filled with window wells and baby bunnies. Krissy rolls little old ladies for their pension checks as she dominates Bingo Night. TJ learns the meaning of awkward as workplace HR is a little too on the ball. The gang plans to terrorize upcoming wine tasting events. Plus, a MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT!

Segment Two: FGS teaches us not to hook up your bluetooth to your apartment complexes speaker system when it’s time for a little self love. HOT TAKES covers two major celebrity passings resulting in the gang laying out the only real way to determine NFL G.O.A.T.s. Also, the bastards at Disney are holding out on us as we learn they are sitting on a completed and ready to air Alien/Predator anime series.

Se3gment three: REDDIT FUN asks “What’s the best insult you’ve ever heard?” Plus, PICKS O’ THE WEEK!


Posted on May 26, 2023 .

#301 - Guardians Of The Galaxy 3 Review, Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster, & Name That Backwards Tune: Mother's Day Edition

Hosts: TJ, Brett, & Krissy

This week on the show:

Segment One: We’re back and more hi-tech than ever! Brett’s been busy with yard work. The NFL schedules came out and the gang complains about bye weeks and not knowing about the wonderful presentation videos by the teams. Krissy gushes over the Quad M Crew going to Bingo Night. TJ’s been busy prepping for the upcoming Lilac City Comic con, getting new equipment for the show, and gets a parking ticket for his troubles.

Segment Two: FGS brings us an Arizona police officer by day and a porn star….by day. HOT TAKES looks at another celebrity passing, the gang reviews Guardians Of The Galaxy 3, and TJ reviews the PS4 release of the Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster bundle.

Segment Three: It’s game time this week on REDDIT FUN as Brett and Krissy try to NAME THAT BACKWARD TUNE: MOTHER’S DAY EDITION.

Selling our soul for the funny! It’s THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on May 15, 2023 .

#300 - Evil Dead Rise Review, Tax Fun, & Story Time With Krissy

Hosts: TJ, Brett, & Krissy

This week on the show:

Segment One: It’s the 300th show and more of the same! TJ learns about a new listener. Hypocrisy in corporate firing standards. While getting a new addition built to the Quad M World Headquarters, TJ learn of a major costly screw up on his taxes. The NFL Draft provides food hangovers and a cavalcade of short jokes.

Segment Two: FGS brings us a Dutch man whose spreading his love throughout Europe. HOT TAKES covers two big celebrity pasisngs and a review of the new film, Evil Dead rising

Segment Three: A little change up for REDDIT FUN as we get an entertaining children’s book read to us by Miss Krissy. Plus, PICKS O’ THE WEEK.

Dutch Oil Sick! It’s THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on May 1, 2023 .

#299 - John Wick 4 Review, Lizzo Is A Terrible Actress, & The B*itch Button

Hosts: TJ, Brett, & Krissy

This week on the show:

Segment One: Brett’s a birthday boy and decides to clean his garage instead of do a show last week. TJ narrowly gets a 200 bowling and still has plenty to complain about. Krissy learns about the rules of debating while discussing her distracted driving. Patreon details start formulating. We learn a yelling Al Pacino is currently TJ’s happy place. Streaming cervices need to settle down.

Segment Two: FGS brings us a Florida man arrested for indecent exposure just because he wanted to relieve pressure and pain. HOT TAKES has the gang look at a couple of celebrity passings, the gang looks at the pending WWE/UFC merger, TJ reviews John Wick 4, and everyone goes off on the latest episode of The Mandalorian.

Segment three: REDDIT FUN asks "What would you do to ensure your funeral is awkward and uncomfortable for the attendees?” Plus, PICKS O’ THE WEEK!

You wanna podcast and chill tonight? It’s THE QUAD M SHOW!!!

Posted on April 17, 2023 .

#298 - Horrible Movie Descriptions, A Proposal Gone Wrong, & Cousbands

Hosts: TJ, Brett, & Krissy

This week on the show:

Segment One: Brett has some issues with clearing a drain, get attacked by a shop vac, and meets some washed up, never-was rappers. Krissy is the Bowling Queen Of The Week. TJ gets reminded of how Microsoft is a bunch of jerks and needs to be more adventurous.

Segment Two: FGS brings us nachos done wrong and Cousbands! HOT TAKES covers a Dodger fan getting rocked trying to propose to his girlfriend from centerfield, Amazon announces an Event Horizon series, and Krissy brings game time as the boys play HORRIBLE MOVIE DESCRIPTIONS.

Segment Three: REDDIT FUN asks “What’s the worst movie line to say during sex?” And we learn Krissy’s shame in her lack of love for Full Metal Jacket. Plus, PICKS O’ THE WEEK.

You don’t have to be lonely. It’s THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on April 3, 2023 .

#297 - Would You Rather, The Return Of Krissy, & Drunk Resort Scream Fighting

Hosts: TJ, Brett, & Krissy

This week on the show:

Segment One: Krissy returns and The Carlson’s revisit their weekend full of symposiums, water slides, and spying on drunk marital warfare! TJ gets hit with the sick bug again!

Segment Two: FGS brings us a man arrested 10 TIMES in ONE MONTH!!!! HOT TAKES covers a celebrity passing and the kids play a very disturbing round of “Would You Rater…”

Segment Three: REDDIT FUN asks “What can you say during sex that you could also say at a funeral”. Plus, PICKS O’ THE WEEK!

Podcasting so good, you’ll punch your sister in the mouth! It’s THE QUAD M SHOW!

***Note: Due to an unforeseen technical issue, the last few moments of the show were lost during a file transfer. Suffice it to say TJ’s Pick O’ The Week can be found on Instagram by searching ‘outofcontextdusty’. Be sure to enjoy and we apologize for the abrupt cutoff.

Posted on March 27, 2023 .

#296 - Special Guest Derek Crabbe, Wakanda Forever Review, & T-Con 2023

Hosts: TJ and Special Guest Derek Crabbe

This week on the show:

Segment One: TJ is joined by long time “5th Beatle” of TQMS, Derek Crabbe. As we catch up, Derek recaps his time in Burbank attending Transformers-Con 2023, the hazards of crazy people at cons, and the art of art collecting.

Segment Two: FGS brings up sauna stabbing in Germany. HOT TAKES has TJ finally giving and watching/reviewing Black Panther: Wakanda Forever. Derek reviews a Scooby-Doo meets Krypto bootleg. And the guys talk about the upcoming “release” of a pilot TJ and Derek recorded back in 2018 for an Akira watch-along.

Segment Three: REDDIT FUN has TJ test Derek’s comic book knowledge with some pretty tricky and obscure trivia. #6 will shock you!

Bring out the fine Chinettes, we got company! It’s THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on March 20, 2023 .

#295 - Ant-Man, Cocaine Bear, Mandalorian, & Rona Virus

Hosts: TJ & Brett

This week on the show:

Segment One: Announcements made as a host leaves the group (for now). More crazy weather is destroying our lives. Another convention is added to this year’s docket. TJ unleashes a tale of woe as he encounters the Rona Virus and enjoys a full day of explosive happenings.

Segment Two: FGS brings us a three way that’s just the tip of an amazing iceberg! HOT TAKES covers to celebrity passings, an Ant Man 3 reveiw, a Cocaine Bear review, and a look at Mandalorian Season 3.

Segment Three: Brett tries his first hand at running REDDIT FUN as we look at “What Won’t You Do For A Woman?”. PICKS O’ THE WEEK runs a little long as the boys talk “The Foozball” and the Bears trade their #1 overall pick in the upcoming draft.

An entertainment explosion coming out of both ends! It’s THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on March 13, 2023 .

#294 - Superb Owl Recap, Brett's "Rampage". & Krissy Brings A Game

Hosts: TJ, Brett, & Krissy

This week on the show:

Segment One: Hockey shenanigans abound for the Quad M crew this week as TJ & Brett look back at a slaughter they called a game, dropping the ball on Throwback Thaturday, and Krissy almost has to throw down with a b**** (more details in Seg. 3). Some Superb Owl recap and discussion. TJ gears up for Spokane in June.

Segment Two: Krissy arrives and FGS brings up two sisters who have no time or patience for loud love making. HOT TAKES covers the passing of five(!) celebrities, a full recap of the Superb Owl predictions, Rhianna’s interpretive inseminating halftime dance, and Krissy brings a new game for the show!

Segment Three: REDDIT FUN this week asks “What movie title best describes your sex life?” Also, PICKS O’ THE WEEK!


Posted on February 20, 2023 .

#293 - Superb Owl Predictions, Aaron Rodgers, & Boba Joel

Hosts: TJ, Jason, Brett, & Krissy

This week on the show:

Segment One: The countdown to 300 continues! Jason returns and gives us the big difference between dealing with the deceased in the UK vs. the US. The Carlsons are boring. TJ gets birthday shenanigans and starts feeling his age.

Segment Two: FGS brings us a drunk security officer from India who loves to Porky Pig it on the jobsite. HOT TAKES has the guys remembering Burt Bacharach during THE QUAD M GRIM REAPER ROUND UP, Jason’s annual Superb Owl prediction and odd bets as we get ready for the Big Game. Aaron Rodgers heading to The Raiders? TJ hopes so, Brett gets nauseous. Krissy returns as we look at the latest controversial episode of The Last Of Us and questioning Pedro Pascal’s preference for portraying child trafficers.

Segment Three: Krissy learns the art of male communication as REDDIT FUN asks “What would guys do if women hibernated for four months like bears?” Plus, PICKS O’ THE WEEK!

Never give the cargo a gun… It’s THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on February 13, 2023 .

#292 - The Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame Still Stinks, Chicken Wing Ring Sting, & The Good Ol' Days

Hosts: TJ, Brett, & Krissy

This week on the show:

Segment One: The countdown to 300 continues. Brett gets a little surprise for his gunnin’ and funnin’. Krissy gets a first hand view of some troublemaker getting their brand new anklet, goes to a play, and learns a valuable lesson on train waiting. TJ has no time for anything but manages to still have a nihilistic depressive breakdown, loses a “Who Killed Brett Favre” debate, and realizes how much of a grumpy old man George Carlin became.

Segment Two: FGS brings us a Chicago woman running a school district lunch program by day and a black market chicken wing racket by night. HOT TAKES gives us a massive QUAD M GRIM REAPER ROUNDUP as we cut the list down and look back at four celebrities who’ve left us. This, of course, leads to a complete divergent discussion of the good old days of TV, cartoons, Hanna-Barbera, Saturday mornings, and how much better life was without streaming services. Also, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame releases this year’s list of nominees and, once again, proves just how much the HOF is a total joke.

Segment three: REDDIT FUN asks “What Do You Say To Calm Down An Angry Woman?” Let the fun begin! Also, PICIKS O’ THE WEEK!

It’s all bout The Sass! It’s THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on February 6, 2023 .

#291 - The Last Of Us, Hobo With A Shotgun, & Peter North

Hosts: TJ, Brett, & Krissy

This week on the show:

Segment One: Brett’s a little lost but gets to play boss man for a little bit at work. We discuss fun with Human Resources. Whether you’re 2 or 72, please be aware of your surroundings! Day care children love bidets! Bowling sadness for The Nine Pins. Plus, an update on the Lilac City Comic Con in June leads to a visit from our friend, Pinhead.

Segment Two: FGS brings us a fine Florida woman who tries to play off a crack pipe for a sex toy. HOT TAKES brings us another slew of celebrity passings. A two-fer of reviews as the gang looks at the premier episode of The Last Of Us as well as the modern classic, Hobo With A Shotgun.

Segment Three: TJ and Brett continue their winning streak against The Hive Mind as REDDIT FUN asks “What mainstream movie title sounds like a porn movie title?” Plus, PICKS O’ THE WEEK leads to a discussion about Ron Jeremy’s recent medical diagnosis and Peter Notrh’s legal problems and how they are monsters in the real world.

God bless Randy West! It’s THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on January 23, 2023 .

#290 - So Long, Derek Carr, Quadruple Celebrity Passings, & Stank Ho Eggs For Sale

Hosts: TJ, Brett, & Krissy

This week on the show:

Segment One: The guys ponder how many Salems are in the U.S. and have a grand Quad M outing to enjoy some local hockey. TJ’s okay being single. Brett’s real world Tetris shills are on point. TJ gets another upgrade to his retro gaming equipment and then ponders the show’s drifting away from it’s nerdy roots. Plus, more of What Would We Do If We Won The Billion Dollar Lottery.

Segment Two: It’s an explosive FGS as two idiots attempt to set fire to an immigration center with comedic results. HOT TAKES covers the loss of four(!) celebs this week, Krissy joins the fun, the NFL winds down with the Brett’s Bears getting the first pick in the next draft and TJ’s Raiders say goodbye to their quarterback for the last nine years, and a former porn chick turned OnlyFans trick turner attempts to sell her eggs while revealing she only showered 37 times(!) last year. Gross.

Segment Three: TJ and Brett win again the Hive Mind in this week’s REDDIT FUN asking “What can be said when someone trying to kill you and well and when having sex”. Plus, PICKS O’ THE WEEK!

Showering daily whether it’s needed or not. It’s THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on January 16, 2023 .

#289 - Prickly Paranoia Interview & Performance, Glass Onion Review, & Holiday Break Catch Up

Hosts: TJ, Jason, Brett, & Krissy

This week on the show:

Segment One: The gang returns from the holiday break. Jason has a laid back time off avoiding all human contact. The Carlson deal with a flooded garage. TJ spends his time deathly ill. Jason plays Tetris while the others lament the end of the football season (TJ, in particular as he says so long to Derek Carr). And, of course, wishing a speedy recovery to Buffalo Bills safety Damar Hamlin.

Segment Two: Horrible segues aside, FGS brings us happy time shenanigans within the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Office (with audio). HOT TAKES catches us up on holiday celebrity deaths. TJ, Bret, and Krissy review Netflix latest outing, Glass Onion. The show is then visited by indeo duo group, Prickly Paranoia and they perform their latest song, In Plain Sight.

Segment Three: REDDIT FUN asks “After you’ve won a billion dollars, what will you still not buy?” Plus, PICKS O’ THE WEEK!

New year, same shenanigans. It’s THE QUAD M SHOW!!!

Posted on January 9, 2023 .