#288 - The 2022 Quad M Show Year End Suck-tacular

Hosts: TJ & Jason

This week on the show:

Segment One: The final show of 2022 kicks off with TJ and Jason going back to the shows nerd roots as the guys talk about there current RPG gaming shenanigans. Plus, TJ gets new ideas for his post mortem bronze statue idea.

Segment Two: FGS brings us a Boston man charged with murder who is caught by his bloomers. HOT TAKES presents the annual QUAD M SHOW BOOK OF THE DEAD as we look back at those celebrities who have passed this year. TJ gives his review of the Guardians Of The Galaxy Holiday Special

Segment Three: REDDIT FUN asks “Where do you finish after self love?”. Plus, PICKS O’ THE WEEK.

Thank you for another amazing year! Have a happy and safe holiday season from THE QUAD M SHOW! See you in 2023!

Posted on December 19, 2022 .

#287 - The Legend Of Chuck Woolery, MCU Tap Out, & Krissy's Parody

Your hosts: TJ, Jason, Brett, & Krissy


You know what? I haven’t done this in a while and with the holiday season coming up, here’s Quad M’s gift to you. The first three (3) listeners who send us an email listing the song being parodied in Krissy’s “Lady Bits” montage will receive a free set of Enigma 1-4 signed by TJ and Jason.

Send your answer to quadmcomics@gmail.com and make sure to include your mailing info. Winners will be announced here is the show notes as well as next week’s show.

Let’s see who actually reads these things. :)



Posted on December 5, 2022 .

#286 - The Bracket: Worst X-Mas Gifts Edition, Turkey Day Hangover, & Eduardo Garcia Perez, Esq

Hosts: TJ, Brett, & Krissy

This week on the show:

Segment One: It’s the day after Thanksgiving and it’s a Quad M food hangover. Brett is mourning the winding down of hunting season. TJ loves four day weekends and hates the local classic rock station for killing the music he loves. A discussion about the recent surge of “mumble rappers” leads to TJ’s new music project: Lil Cn33qah3d! Krissy unleashes awesomeness with her 4 Cheese Macaroni and the gang recounts the full Turkey Day shenanigans and The Carlson Cafe. Costco is hell.

Segment Two: FGS brings us a Dominican woman who’s wheelchair can magically store 28 pounds of cocaine. Eduardo Garcia Perez for the defense! HOT TAKES remembers Green Power Ranger Jason David Frank. We’re fading on the MCU. TJ brings a new edition of THE BRACKET as we look at horrible holiday gifts.

Segment Three: REDDIT FUN is a two-fer as “What annoying tortures would be present in Heck?” doesn’t quite live up to our standards so we also look at “What are sexy names for lady bits?” Fun had by all. Plus, PICKS O’ THE WEEK!

Eeeeet’s Keeeeeeecking! it’s THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on November 28, 2022 .

#285 - Remembering Kevin Conroy, World Leader Anagrams, & Oil Painting

Hosts, TJ & Jason

This week on the show:

Segment One: East coast love is representing as Jason celebrates a birthday which results in a conversation on ‘shrooms, absinthe, and horrifying hallucinatory dreams. TJ gives a final update on his ear drum situation, a stunning turnaround on long standing eyesight issues, and finally begins his Bob Ross-ian journey into Oil Painting For Bucks! As TJ gets his retro gaming on with some Final Fantasy 6, Jason still loves him some World Of Warcraft.

Segment Two: They can’t all be winners as FGS brings us a Brazillian woman who got cheated on by her rag doll husband… HOT TAKES covers a litany of celebrity passings including legendary comedian Gallagher and the greatest Batman actor of all time, Kevin Conroy. Then, its game time as TJ subjects Jason in a round of World Leader Anagrams.

Segment Three: REDDIT FUN asks “What cartoon character provided your sexual awakening?” Plus, PICKS O’ THE WEEK!

Yippity Bppity! It’s THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on November 21, 2022 .

#284 - In Depth Spoiler Filled Terrifier 2 Review & Analysis, Ray Guy, & Those Dirty States

Hosts: TJ, Jason, Brett, & Krissy

This week on the show:

Segment One: Brett has an awesome hunting trip with his daughter. Amazing days of Halloweens past are relived as Krissy bemoans a lack of Trick-or-treaters. TJ’s bulging ear drum is almost subsided but the drug cocktail has led to malodorous consequences.

Segment Two: FGS brings us a woman who decided to scream obscenities and expose herself to trick-or-treaters while giving them candy. HOT TAKES looks back on Raider punting legend Ray Guy. Then, finally, after a two year long wait (for us), we give a full review and deep dive analysis on the little indie movie that is rocking the nation: Terrifier 2!

Segment Three: REDDIT FUN looks at the porn terms most searched by state! Plus, PICKS O' THE WEEK.

The food’s not just a little funny. It’s freaking hilarious! It’s THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on November 7, 2022 .

#283 - Munsters & Halloween Ends Reviews, Quad M Couple Counseling, & Ketchup Controversy

Hosts: TJ, Jason, Brett, & Krissy

This week on the show:

Segment One: The show comes back from a week off and Jason is true to form. Brett tells the work what for and realizes just how old he is on a hunting trip. Krissy makes friends and influences people through fancy daycare menus and allows ketchup as a chicken condiment. TJ bows before the pressure of piracy supports chicken nugget snobbery and gets himself a wicked ear infection. Carlson couple counseling begins…

Segment Two: FGS brings us stabbings over a borrowed sex toy between two Kentucky cousins. HOT TAKES covers a hat trick of celebrity passings, disappointment as we review Rob Zombie’s Munsters on Netflix and Halloween Ends, and James Gunn takes over the DCEU. Carlson couple counseling continues…

Segment Three: REDDIT FUN provides a quiz: Name the show based on the famous quote. Carlson couple counseling concludes…. Plus, PICKS O’ THE WEEK!

Hey! Down in front! It’s THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on October 31, 2022 .

#282 - Horror Movie Trivia, Cabot Cove Is A Safer Place, & Boris Yeltsin Party Tricks

Hosts: TJ, Jason, Brett, & Krissy

This week on the show:

Segment One: Brett recounts his big hunting trip (Spoiler: the gopher population has been reduced in Eastern Montana. Krissy celebrates birthday shenanigans. TJ gets petty about bowling and pre-orders his latest obsession. Plus, an update on the latest issue of Enigma.

Segment Two: FGS presents a new candidate robbing a bank with his finger gun and a follow-up as a Tickle Me Elmo violator gets conviction. HOT TAKES looks at a hat trick of celeb passings, DC cancels Bi-Superman, and it’s GAME TIME as the gang plays Horror Movie Triva

Segment Three: RIDDIT FUN gives us “Historical People Facts They Won’t Teach You In School”. Plus, PICKS O’ THE WEEK.

It’s not therapy for Elmo. It’s THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on October 17, 2022 .

#281 - Hellraiser 2022 Review, Name That Backwards Tune: Halloween Edition, & Ladies Night

Hosts: TJ, Krissy, & Emily

This week on the show:

Segment One: It’s Ladies Night on THE QUAD M SHOW as TJ is joined by Krissy and special guest Emily. The women discuss a plan for Harry Potter crafting while TJ casts spells on helium. TJ gets invited to a Halloween party and considers being a Wish List Art The Clown. TJ recounts the magic of Pee-Wee Herman and high school hangovers. We are then joined by Brett and guests Peyton and Bubbles live from Hunting Camp and Krissy forgets to turn off her phone.

Segment Two: FGS brings us a woman with warrants applying for a job at the sheriff’s office. Wackiness ensues. HOT TAKES covers the passing of two legends, TJ and Krissy review the new Hellraiser film on Hulu, and TJ challenges the girls to a round of NAME THAT BACKWARDS TUNE featuring Halloween based songs…. kind of.

Segment Three: REDDIT FUN asks “What was awesome as a kid that sucks as an adult?” Plus, PICKS O’ THE WEEK.

Rufee free drinks are half off! It’s THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on October 10, 2022 .

#280 - Scared British, Handicap UFC Battle, & Elvis Review

Hosts: TJ, Jason, Brett, & Krissy

This week on the show:

Segment One: After a two week hiatus, the crew comes back with tales! Jason takes friend of the show Brandon out target shooting does drunk naked cliff diving in World of Warcraft. The Carlson go on vacation, taking the kids to rollercoasters and haunted houses, learn the daughter acquires a British accent when she’s terrified, attend an Iron Maiden concert, and makes a trip to FanX. TJ gets caught up on Enigma art and (more importantly) goes full Rage Mode on a drunken fool at bowling. The result? We’re gonna promote a Brawl For All between Lushy McDrunkenheimer and TJ’s blind mother. Place your bets!

Segment Two: FGS brings us a family fight over lighting a cigarette with a toaster… and stabbing. HOT TAKES remembers Coolio and Louise Fletcher. TJ stands up for Terrifier and Damien Leone over accusations of mysogeny and woman hating. A review of Elvis is thrown in for good measure.

Segment Three: REDDIT FUN ask “What villain was terrifying because they were right?” Plus, PICKS O’ THE WEEK!

Get your tickets! It’s THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on October 3, 2022 .

#279 - Queen Elizabeth, KC3, & The Bracket: Worst Jobs Edition

Hosts: TJ, Jason, Brett, & Krissy

This week on the show:

Segment One: Jason’s back to boring and uneventful. Brett gears up for a trip to SLC and deals with a weekend of illness. The debate on Daylight Savings Time begins as TJ complains about the morning sun causing driving blindness. Bowling is a success as the Nine Pins beat their hated rivals: The Clown Cars.

Segment Two: Krissy joins in the fun as FGS covers a family conflict involving tasers and Chees Whiz. HOT TAKES looks back at the passing of Queen Elizabeth II and the family dysfunction including: King Charles needing to start dressing like Fat Elvis, Prince Harry’s new on shore gambling service, Prince William choosing to charge his phone over The Queen Mother’s life support, and much more. Plus, a brand new BRACKET as we whittle our way through the eight worst jobs of all time.

Segment Three: REDDIT FUN asks “What non-fiction character would have the most successful OnlyFans account?” Plus, PICKS O’ THE WEEK!

Heads up, you filthy gong farmer! It’s THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on September 12, 2022 .

#278 - Antonio Hamilton Cooking Accident, Horror Film Trailers, & Macaque

Hosts: TJ & Jason

This week on the show:

Segment One: Gen X women names are gonna sound weird as grandmas. Jason went fishing and is astounded at the rural development. TJ gives an update on his T-Booster experience (and thanks the Gods his job primarily is done sitting down) and is looking to get back into the world of football pools. Plus, a look at the recent Antonio Hamilton cooking accident.

Segment Two: FGS results in Jason crying out for Brett’s assistance as three hunters tranq an innocent woman and macaque terrorizes Japan. HOT TAKES looks at the recent passing of the last ruler of the former Soviet Union: Mikhail Gorbachev. Plus, a surge of horror trailers gets the boys geared up for the Halloween season as Terrifier 2, Winnie The Pooh: Blood And Honey, and Hellraiser (on Hulu) trailers all dropped this week.

Segment Three: REDDIT FUN journeys to the dark side as The Hive Mind asks “If, before procreation, you could say one thing to your parents, what would you say?” Plus, PICKS O’ THE WEEK.

Put the emphasis on the second syllable! It’s THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on September 5, 2022 .

#277 - Willy's Wonderland Review, Gary Busey, & Dan Campbell's The Ultimate Bro

Hosts: TJ & Brett

This week on the show:

Segment One: Brett gets in some late night fishing. Local lightning storms are running amok. Halloween decorations are simulating some sultry situations. TJ’s gonna take some chances with supplements and admits to a major mistake made in his youth. Hard Knocks continues to prove that The Lions are hopeless and their coach is a frat boy that never grew up.

Segment Two: FGS brings us madness in Germany as an exposed man assaults a woman with a dead seagull. HOT TAKES looks at Gary Busey’s recent alleged misconduct at a horror convention in Jersey leading the guys to revisit Cameo. The guy’s then review the Nicholas Cage classic, Willy’s Wonderland.

Segment three: REDDIT FUN asks “How do you tell your female roommate her lady bits stink?” Plus, PICKS O’ THE WEEK.

Crazier than a Gary Busey sing-a-long! It’s THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on August 29, 2022 .

#276 - Day Shift Review, Hard Knocks With The Lions, & The Oldie-wed Game

Hosts: TJ, Brett, & Krissy

This week on the show:

Segment One: Brett gives love and respect to former bosses and considerate drivers. TJ is gearing up for the upcoming bowling season and ramps up the self abuse by mixing the Scorching Bendies with DDPY for amazingly brutal results!

Segment Two: FGS is a two-fer this week as Polish airport authorities nab an 81 year old Danish heroin smuggler and a St Louis pastor goes on a tirade when his congregation doesn’t follow through with a luxury watch. HOT TAKES cover a review of the new Netflix film, Day Shift. Plus TJ brings a new game to test The Carlson’s marital knowledge as we play the Oldie-Wed Game… which gets held up by an impromptu discussion of HBO’s Hard Knocks with The Detroit Lions.

Segment Three: REDDIT FUN asks “What can you say to either a pizza or a penis?” Plus, PICKS O’ THE WEEK!

Thirty minutes or less, it’s always free! It’s THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on August 22, 2022 .

#275 - Prey Review, Karma's A Bee-yotch, & Fat Guys On Food

Hosts: TJ, Jason, & Brett

This week on the show:

Segment One: Brett returns! Jason goes to the chiropractor. Brett spent his time away welcoming his son home from overseas and dealing with a sore throat, Gees are a$$holes. TJ watches Pumping Iron and appreciates how worked the documentary was. As bowling season begins to kick off, Jason asks for the return of Connie. Brett learns what quinoa is.

Segment Two: FGS brings us McDonald’s customer complaints leading to MURDER!!! Also, a huge discussion on ranking fries leads to FAT GUYS ON FOOD. Next in HOT TAKES, karma rears it’s ugly head as we lose to A-List celebs. TJ gives a correction and retraction on last week’s Resident Evil review. Finally, we review the latest Predator offering: Prey (on Hulu).

Segment Three: REDDIT FUN asks the question “Men of Reddit, what’s the creepiest thing a woman has ever said to you?” Plus, PICKS O’ THE WEEK!


Posted on August 15, 2022 .

#274 - OokiiSoraCon Recap, Netflix's Resident Evil Review (Part 1), & Lots Of Dead Celebs

Hosts: TJ & Jason

This week on the show:

Segment One: Jason has a nap. TJ can’t catch up but manages to get 3 out of 4 cats’ claws trimmed (with varying results). Dietary changes are taking places as TJ continues his quest to lose weight. Jason is proud of TJ for driving on main roads.

Segment Two: FGS brings us a couple of beauties from Florida and inappropriate activities with a Husky. Plus, MFK: Animal Lover Edition! HOT TAKES covers the passing of FOUR celebrities, a review of Netflix’s Resident Evil (which may get retracted upon conclusion of the series), and a recap of the local OokiiSoraCon the guys worked in Helena which degrades into a discussion of classic McDonald’s ad characters of yesteryear.

Segment three: REDDIT FUN asks “when is the worst possible time to moan in ecstasy?” Plus, PICKS O’ THE WEEK!

Frolicking on the McDonald’s Playground Of Life, it’s THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on August 8, 2022 .

#273 - Celebrity Anagrams, Stranger things Season 4 Review, & A Big Announcement

Hosts: TJ, Brett, & Krissy

This week on the show:

Segment One: As we prove that THE QUAD M SHOW is responsible for the world’s population explosion, Brett recounts his time off helping his mom survive flooding, has himself a spa day, and a new tattoo. TJ has a major Quad M announcement! As he regales the tale, we get visited by Mrs. Carlson herself, Krissy. Child care tips ensue.

Segment Two: FGS discovers the true cause of the Monkey Pox outbreak. HOT TAKES discusses the surprise retirement of Vince McMahon as the long time lord and king of the WWF/WWE. We get a review of the fourth season of Stranger Things. And it’s game time again as TJ brings out Celebrity Anagrams!

Segment Three: REDDIT FUN asks a very important question this week: “Men, what do you do with your junk when you poop?” Plus, PICKS O’ THE WEEK!

Don’t be afraid. It’s THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on July 25, 2022 .

#272 - Horrible Movie Descriptions, Thor: Blood & Thunder Review, & First Horror Film Experiences

Hosts: TJ, Jason, & Brandon

This week on the show:

Segment One: TJ discovers the Mute button. Jason gets adopted. The guys discuss their first horror film experiences. Brandon finds a new tree to run his RV into. TJ is in recovery from illness and injury but brings the funny to a vicious homicide in the workplace.

Segment Two: FGS brings us a pastor in England with a penchant for vacuum buggery with a side discussion on woman who’s sandwich cost her over $200k. HOT TAKES has TJ giving a review of Thor: Blood and Thunder. Than it’s game time as TJ quizzes Jason and Brandon on Horrible Movie Descriptions.

Segment Three: REDDIT FUN asks “What’s the saddest TV death of all time?” and multiple side bar conversations ensue. Plus, PICKS O’ THE WEEK.

No one likes a quitter. Not even THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on July 18, 2022 .

#271 - A Special Guest, A Special Game, & A Special Reddit Fun

Hosts: TJ, Jason, & Marq

This week on the show:

Segment One: Good friend of the show, Marq Piocos, stops by regale us with tales of ride sharing, concert going, and possible future ventures. Jason learns who BTS are. TJ gets a new cubicle/migrant apartment.

Segment Two: FGS covers a $45 extortion attempt from a scorned lover. HOT TAKES a look back at James Caan, some random clean up on current viewing, and Marq brings a game for the boys: Name That Original Weird Al Tune!

Segment Three: It’s all about self love in this week’s REDDIT FUN as The Hive-mind asks “Where Do You Finish?” Plus, PICKS O’ THE WEEK!

Ring-a-ding-ding, daddy-o! it’s THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on July 11, 2022 .

#270 - Name That Backwards Tune: Summer Edition, Obi Wan Finale, & Fancy Vader

Hosts: TJ, Brett, & Krissy

This week on the show:

Segment One: We welcome a special guest this week as Brett’s wife, Krissy, joins in the fun. Brett gets upset trying to fix his fertilizer sprayer. Krissy has to attend a bridal shower at the crack of dawn. TJ takes a road trip to a vintage camper rally (more fun than it sounds like), reveals a horrifying medical situation (also more fun than it sounds like), and a blind date (not so much).

Segment Two: FGS brings us the original Bloodhound Gang, a man poses as Disney World security to steal bathroom fixtures and an R2D2 statue, and a 60 man cruise ship Battle Royale. HOT TAKES covers the passing of former defensive tackle Tony Siragusa, the season one finale of Obi Wan Kenobi (with an introduction to a fancier Lord Vader), and it’s game time as TJ brings in another round of NAME THAT BACKWARDS TUNE.

Segment Three: Krissy handles REDDIT FUN duties as The Hive asks “What car most signifies it’s owner is a douchebag?” Plus, PICKS O’ THE WEEK.

Happy Birthday, ‘Merica, from THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on July 4, 2022 .

#269 - Flooding, Waterparks, and Obi-Wan

Hosts: TJ, Jason, & Bret

This week on the show:

Segment One: Pre-opening discussion centers around the world of Guns & Roses band membership changes. Then, it’s all about the recent flooding in Southwest Montana and Yellowstone. Brett enjoys some yard work and a BRAND NEW CAR!!! TJ finds a surprise when he hooks up his A/C and tells a tale of waterpark pain and being a mediocre samaritan.

Segment Two: FGS brings an African woman sues her ex for stretching her flower. HOT TAKES remembers two celebs that recently left us, TJ and Brett are all caught up on Stranger Things Season 4 and look back at Volume 1 and gear up for Volume 2. We need a Jeff Goldblum/Paul Reiser face off! Obi-Wan is coming to an end and we look at the five episodes so far. Plus, Star Wars conspiracies.

Segment three: REDDIT FUN asks “What NSF Mythbusters shows would you want to see?” Plus PICKS O’ THE WEEK.


Posted on June 20, 2022 .