#268 - Top Gun: Maverick Review, Obi-Wan & Stranger Things Premiers, & More In Law Security Fun

Hosts: TJ, Jason, & Brett

This week on the show:

Segment One: Everyone’s back into the swing of things. Jason’s grumpy and contrarian. Brett celebrates his 16th wedding anniversary with traditional drive thru and a movie. Brett then gets another call about the mother in law’s security alarm. TJ appreciates the glory of his new equipment’s start up time but not his lack of time. Naps are fun!

Segment Two: FGS brings us a raver with almost 200 hits of ecstasy in her lady pars. HOT TAKES remembers Ray Liotta. The contrarianism expands to Jason and Brett as TJ goes off on one of his classic rants during the review of Top Gun: Maverick. Plot holes and retcon issues are explored during the discussion of Obi Wan Kenobi’s first two episodes. TJ and Brett are loving Stranger Things Season 4 but not fans of losing all sense of time when watching it. Dean Jones!

Segment Three: The guys get a little class with a play/playwright quiz in this week’s REDDIT FUN.


Posted on June 6, 2022 .

#267 - Mama (In Law) Drama, Wisconsin Psychos, & We Just Want To Be Entertained

Hosts: TJ & Brett

This week on the show:

Segment One: Brett has some drama with his mother-in-law and her security system. TJ finally explains the recent issues causing production problems with good old Quad M. Computers, monitors, and bank loans. Oh my! Plus, a recap of the State Bowling Tournament. Yay!

Segment Two: FGS presents a crazed woman in Wisconsin who loves sex and killing her partner afterwards. In HOT TAKES, Brett digs Dr. Strange, Anson Mount’s been a busy boy, MCU just needs to focus on good movies, Prey on Hulu looks very promising, and gearing up for Stranger Things Season 4.

Segment Three: Brett is celebrating his 16th anniversary and REDDIT FUN helps giving with The Wedding Quiz!


Posted on May 31, 2022 .

#266 - A Special Guest Co-host, Moon Knight & Doctor Strange Reviews, & Kidney Stones Suck

Hosts: TJ and Special Guest Derek Crabbe

This week on the show:

Segment One: Brett and Jason are out so TJ calls in a few favors and is joined by Fanholes’ own Derek Crabbe. Derek hips us to his recent issues involving kidney stones and comic art pages. TJ explains the recent turn of events causing massive show delays.

Segment Two: FGS has a crazy woman throwing buckets of pee. HOT TAKES reviews Disney+/MCU’s Moon Knight and the latest Doctor Strange movie.

Segment Three: REDDIT FUN offers up Derek’s attempt at a comic book quiz.

Getting the ship righted. It’s THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on May 22, 2022 .

#265 - Remembering Neal Adams & Daryle Lamonica, Ballet Drama, & Richard Brake Needs To Be Joker

Hosts: TJ, Jason, & Brett

This week on the show:

Segment One: Getting back into the swing of things. Jason celebrates May The Fourth with a viewing of Rogue One and discussion evolves into Ewok cannabalism, sequel suck-titude, and congratulation to Hayden Christiansen on sucking it up. Brett gets a new gun and educates a silly clerk and also gives an update on the wife’s medical condition. Ballet drama abounds! TJ gets a new mower as The Quad M World Headquarters staff has a falling out.

Segment Two: FGS presents a racist Harry Potter versus a gun carrying hotel clerk in addition to full bathrooms equal defiled cases of beer. HOT TAKES has the guys gearing up for the Moon Knight finale. We look back on the lives of Hall Of Fame quarterback Daryle Lamonica and comic book legend Neal Adams. TJ then provides a prime example as to why actor Richard Brake needs to be the Joker in the new Batman films.

Segment Three: This week in REDDIT FUN, Jason brings a quiz about one of our favorite topics: beer! Does Brett have a change to finally beat TJ? Let’s find out….


Posted on May 19, 2022 .

#264 - Parenting Our Parents, Derek Carr Get Paid, & Gilbert Gottfried

Hosts: TJ, Jason, & Bret

This week on the show:

Segment One: TJ is getting deluged with robo-marketing texts leading to a massive discussion about how the Boomer generation should NOT be allowed online. All of the guys confirm their non-church going plans for Easter and the love of organized religion. Jason gets him some chiro.

Segment Two: FGS breaks a golden TQMS rule as a traffic stop goes awry because someone can’t keep their mouth shut. HOT TAKES looks back at the awesomeness and passing of Gilbert Gottfried and the Quad M Mount Rushmore of Comedy. Derek Carr signs a 3 year extension and TJ couldn’t be happier. And TJ and Bret go over the keys to a solid marriage.

Segment Three REDDIT FUN provides a sexy time pop quiz for everyone’s enjoyment with a controversial finale. Plus, PICKS O’ THE WEEK.

Eastern Bloc hotties await! It’s THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on April 18, 2022 .

#263 - Tearin' It Up, Moon Knight, Halo, & Sentient Toilets

Hosts: TJ, Jason, Brett, & Brandon (3rd Segment)

This week on the show:

Segment One: The gang’s all here! Jason gets some positive movement on the medical front. Brett gets a hot tub! TJ learns valuable lessons about himself, UTI’s, and micro-tears!

Segment Two: it’s a two-fer on FGS as we look at a dookey drop in Dublin and a daughter assaulting her father with a destroyer. HOT TAKES covers that fact that none of the boys care about Will Smith, TJ and Brett are on opposite sides of the fence when it comes to the new Halo series on Paramount but come together for Disney+’s Moon Kinght. Jason gives a Picard update. Plus, an impromptu dive into Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy.

Segment three: REDDIT FUN asks how you would prefer your sentient toilet to talk to you. Plus, PICS O’ THE WEEK.

That’s what the toilet said! It’s THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on April 11, 2022 .

#262 - Amazon Buys MGM, Moon Knight & Obi-Wan preview, & Batman's Deleted Scene

This week on the show:

Segment One: The show starts up with button play. Brett gets roped into going away celebrations and starts an egg laying chicken adventure! Despite the enabling of The Quad M Lunch Lady, TJ is dropping weight and continues to enjoy the company of his new friend.

Segment Two: FGS brings us a bus stealing, joy riding couple out of Georgia. HOT TAKES has TJ and Brett chiming in on the recently released Batman deleted scene with Barry Keoghan’s Joker, a look at Amazon buying and acquiring MGM and it’s library, and a preview of Disney+’s upcoming Moon Knight and Obi Wan series.

Segment Three: Another quiz this week on REDDIT FUN as TJ quizzes Brett’s knowledge of children’s books.

Shenanigans abound!!! It’s THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on March 28, 2022 .

#261 - Remembering Scott Hall, DeVante Adams To The Raiders, & The Bracket Looks At New Olympic Sports

Hosts: TJ, Jason, & Brandon

This week on the show:

Segment One: Jason returns bringing special guest Brandon in tow. Brandon plans for a special trip. What once was old is new again making for an awesome week for TJ. A coaching moment comes up as TJ has to teach Brandon the difference between a “buddy” and an “old friend”.

Segment Two: FGS brings us an Ohio man giving his monkey meth and a discussion about self surgery, Antarctica, and big brass balls. HOT TAKES looks back at the life, career, and passing of wrestling legend Scott Hall. TJ’s beloved Las Vegas Raiders make a blockbuster trade to acquire DeVante Adams in a trade with the Green Bay Packers. And, THE BRACKET returns as the guys go through eight of the most bizarre sports and decide which should be up for Olympic consideration.

Segment Three: It’s quiz time again as REDDIT FUN asks us to name the victim’s of the given assassin! Plus, PICKS O’ THE WEEK.

Wake the kids! It’s THE QUAD M SHOW!!

Posted on March 21, 2022 .

#260 - The Batman Review (Spoilers), Guardians Of Justice Review (Spoilers), & The Passing Of Luis From Sesame Street

Hosts: TJ & Brett

This week on the show:

Segment One: The guys relive high school memories as they discuss not remembering those who remember us, how not to get caught in shenanigans, and the teenage enigma that was TJ. Brett manages to give 10% effort. Football talk abounds as Jason gone and free agency is on the horizon. TJ learns about a secret local swingers cabal and can’t wait to people watch.

Segment Two: FGS brings us an angry man in a bathrobe and his rage against leafblowers. HOT TAKES gives us the passing of a Sesame Street legend and reviews on The Batman movie and Netflix’s Guardians Of Justice series.

Segment Three: It’s REDDIT FUN without Jason this week. So, TJ tests Brett on his Bat-Knowledge with some Bat-Trivia. Plus, PICKS O’ THE WEEK!

Fire up the signal, Commissioner! It’s THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on March 14, 2022 .

#259 - Gearing Up For Batman, It's All About Perspective, & "Quad M Dignified"

Hosts: TJ, Jason, & Brett

This week on the show:

Segment One: A recap of last weeks’ guest visit kicks off a week that went by too quick… Except for Brett, who gets a house guest and confirms reading IS important. TJ is renovating the Quad M World Headquarters and we establish the difference between dignified and “Quad M Dignified”. TJ feels the pinch from the conflict in the Ukraine and we put into perspective just how trivial our life problems really are.

Segment Two: FGS covers a moron from Florida who believes he can “fix” his brother with a knife. HOT TAKES educates us about the Ukrainian president’s celebrity history. The guys are getting ready for the new Batman movie and realize the future lies in a mash up with a 70’s classic.

Segment Three: Its a REDDIT FUN two-fer as we look as “How would you respond to ‘I did your mom’”? Plus, a time killing quiz. And don’t forget PICKS O’ THE WEEK.


Posted on March 7, 2022 .

#258 - A Special Guest, Peacemaker & Netflix's TCM Reviews, & Is Pop Culture Dead?

Hosts: TJ, Jason, & (special guest) Josh

This week on the show:

Segment One: We start by introducing our guest Josh Hein (Twitch username: sirtalksalot92) and debate what constitutes a road trip in Montana. To TJ’s lack of knowledge, WOW is still a thing. Microsoft spends mad cash to buy Blizzard. TJ works himself into a depression (the passwords are: The Day After and Threads…). We learn about Josh’s outrageous spending habits. And is pop culture dead? Debates abound!

Segment Two: Fourteen year olds are hiring hitmen in this week’s FGS. HOT TAKES has reviews o’plenty as we look at Tater Salad starring in Peacemaker and TJ gives a spoiler filled review of Netflix’s new Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Halloween ripoff, anyone?).

Segment Three: In a REDDIT FUN first (that we can remember) we go from a dog of a topic to one of the most exciting, nail-biting quizzes to come down the pike in a while!

Put on your best face, It’s THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on February 28, 2022 .

#257 - Bendergate, Death On The Nile Review, & Percentages

Hosts: TJ, Jason, & Brett

This week on the show:

Segment One: Jason is 75% correct on his Superb Owl prediction. We revisit last week’s FGS winner as we get court audio from the Vegas driver who drove north bound on a south bound lane (SPOILER: He DEFINITELY wasn’t methed up….). The guys determine at least 75% of our audience is not ax murderers. And closing the segment with impromptu button fun.

Segment Two: FGS presents and man with a finger in his wallet. HOT TAKES remembers Ivan Rietman, reviews Death On The Nile, and respects John DiMaggio and his stance against getting lowballed by Hulu/Fox/Disney.

Segment Three: It’s quiz time on REDDIT FUN as we center on actors with three names. Plus, PICKS O’ THE WEEK.

Waiting for the Netflix serial killer special on Jessica Fletcher. It’s THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on February 21, 2022 .

#256 - Name That Backwards Tune: Valentine's Edition, Superb Owl Predictions, & The RnR HOF Is A Sham

Hosts: TJ, Jason, & Brett

This week on the Show:

Segment One: Brett’s excited to officially be a part of the show now. TJ and Jason work diligently on Enigma. Brett has a bout of a sore throat and plays hooky, and learns the “cleansing” effects of magnesium citrate. TJ celebrates a birthday and revisits classic SCTV episodes. Plus, it’s time for Jason’s annual Super Bowl prediction (ignorance is indeed bliss).

Segment Two: FGS presents a drunk driver going the wrong way in the name of Dale Earnhardt Sr. HOT TAKES looks back at the passing of actor Howard Hessman, TJ gives a review of Mandalorian Season 2.5 (better known as Book Of Boba Fett), the list of nominees for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame are released and TJ is less than happy. Also, with Valentine’s Day coming, TJ whips out an all new NAME THAT BACKWARDS TUNE featuring “love” songs. Lover your expectations as the fun begins, kids.

Segment Three: REDDIT FUN asks “If you travel back in time 1000 years, what would you write on the cave walls to mess with archaeologists?” Plus, PICKS O’ THE WEEK.

it’s not mediocre Boba Fett. It’s THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on February 14, 2022 .

#255 - Woke Culture Meltdown, Book Of Boba Fett, & Inappropriate Children's Books

Hosts: TJ, Jason, & Brett

This week on the show:

Segment One: All three amigos return and Jason continues to suffer, Brett’s son gets The Vid, & TJ gets an awesome surprise gift from his dad. TJ and Brett discuss and amazing divisional round of NFL playoffs. Brett has a new children’s book he wants to share with the group. The guys discuss why Costco is hell on Earth.

Segment Two: FGS presents two morons from Bangor, Maine who get more than they bargained for when they attempt to bail out someone from prison with counterfeit money. HOT TAKES looks at some recent celebrity deaths, a discussion on the currently released episodes of Book Of Boba Fett, and the Woke Culture starts to eat itself as Neil Young has a bout with Spotify and Joe Rogan, Peter Dinklege fires shots at Disney’s new progressive Snow White remake, and DC is in shambles.

Segment Three: REDDIT FUN has a lot to say as it asks “What person would each Montana town be?”. Plus, a very special PICKS O’ THE WEEK as Brett presents his inappropriate children’s book and TJ presents Bob Ross’ angry German teacher Bill Alexander.

It’s not Freedom Seeds. It’s THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on January 31, 2022 .

#254 - PS5, Omicron, Celebrity Passings, & Tons O' Reviews

Hosts: TJ & Brett

This week on the show:

Segment One: Welcome back and welcome to 2022! Brett gets a cannon for Christmas. TJ gets a PS5 and a raging case of Omicron. Plus, a catch up on the beloved Raiders and Bears, Christmas traditions, and

Segment Two: FGS returns with a look a degenerate robbing an adult store after putting in a job app. HOT TAKES covers the upcoming Wild Card round of the NFL playoffs. It’s time to catch up on celebrities who passed during out time off. And also, a whole mess of reviews including Spider-Man: No Way Home, Hawkeye, and The Matrix. Plus, a look at The Book of Boba Fett.

Segment Three: It’s quiz time on REDDIT FUN as TJ tests Brett on his knowledge of NFL Wild Card history. Plus, PICKS O’ THE WEEK!

Thanks for having us back! It’s THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on January 18, 2022 .

#253 - Nadia Hilton Interview, Book Of The Dead 2021 Edition, The Quad M Show 2021 Year End Suck-tacular

Hosts: TJ, Jason, & Brett

This week on the show:

Segment One: The weather takes a turn and Jason has another week of dreck. The middle aged grumps complain about how people don’t know how to drive in the snow. Brett misses the interview to attend his daughter’s band concert and out his children for lip-syncing. TJ admits to a serious interview faux pas. The segment ends with the annual gift exchange and Brett’s wife wins the award for best gift maker EVER!

Segment Two: FGS brings us a Rhodes Scholar who robs a bank and turns around and deposits the ill gotten gains into the same bank’s ATM. HOT TAKES presents an interview with former adult film Nadia Hilton where we discuss her past work in the industry, the switch to becoming a pastor, and her current role as an OnlyFans model. And then it’s on to the annual year end tradition as we look back at those who’ve passed with THE QUAD M BOOK OF THE DEAD - 2021 EDITION.

You can find Nadia Hilton on OnlyFans at: https://onlyfans.com/nadiahilton

Find Nadia Hilton on Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/crystaldigregorio/

Segment Three: The final REDDIT FUN of the year is a quiz! Name that 90s show by description alone. Can TJ hold on to his title? Let’s find out!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from your friends at THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on December 20, 2021 .

#252 - Resident Evil: WTRC Review, Sext Bots, & Name The Backwards Xmas Tune

Hosts: TJ, Jason, & Brett

This week on the show:

Segment One: Jason has a two hour text conversation with a sex bot and displays his knowledge of hot tub installation and furnace filters. Brett gets a free gift. TJ’s proud of his bowling team but has to institute a new “3 shot limit” rule. Plus, clickbait’s looking to get sued spreading rumors about Raiders running back Josh Jacobs.

Segment Two: FGS presents a terrible gun owner and an even worse pet owner. HOT TAKES covers two celebrity passings and a heartbreaking diagnosis for a legend. TJ goes against the grain with his review of Resident Evil: Welcome To Raccoon City. Plus, it’s another challenge for Jason and Brett and the guys play Name That Backwards Christmas Tune.

Segment Three: “What’s you;re greatest worst pickup line that would never work?” asks REDDIT FUN! (Spoiler Alert: Long time listeners, be prepared for plenty of PIR Tuba…)

No need to get up. It’s THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on December 14, 2021 .

#251 - Hawkeye & Ghostbusters Review, What He Gonna Say - Coach Edition, & Mrs Carlson At The Drive Thru

Hosts: TJ, Jason, & Brett

This week on the show:

Segment One: Jason finally gets an X-Ray from the doctor AFTER A YEAR! The boys then talk about the surreal awesomeness of MRIs. Brett recaps his ballet experience from a couple of weeks back and promotes deer love in Mrs. Carlson’s Holiday Village. TJ presents Brett with some Thanksgiving football fun facts and a secret recording from the McClaskey-Nagy meeting before the game.

Segment Two: An “accidental fall”, a WWII anti tank shell, and an arse comprises our FGS this week. HOT TAKES brings the guys’ first look review of Disney/MCU’s Hawkeye series and Brett gives his review of Ghostbusters: Afterlife despite TJ’s ignorant misgivings. WHAT HE GONNA SAY returns withe NFL coaching tirades. The game is pleasantly interrupted when Brett’s wife calls in to get his dinner request and ends with terrified McDonald’s employees.

Segment Three: What would be your calling card as a thief? REDDIT FUN has the answers!

It’s not a #3 combo with fries. It’s THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on December 6, 2021 .

#250 - Netflix's Cowboy Bebop Review, Kid/Grandpa Rock Video Backlash, & Thanksgiving Fun

Hosts: TJ & Jason

This week on the show:

Segment One: Jason’s Thanksgiving is hijacked by Qanon, internet trolls, and the second coming of JFK. TJ goes to a theme party (and hums his own tune), goes to the ballet and wants to change the set list, and has the greatest Thanksgiving EVER! And TJ manages to discuss the beauty of the Raiders 36-33 overtime victory over the Cowboys with Jason AND keep his interest. How do you combat a boring Bears-Lions game? The National Dog Show!

Segment Two: FGS brings us a Georgia woman whose adult web video career ends with a bang. HOT TAKES covers some celeb death updates, a review of Netflix’s live action Cowboy Bebop, and HATEFUL HASHTAGS is back with YouTube comments from Kid Rock’s new video.

Segment Three: REDDIT FUN asks “Why do you hate the MCU?”. Fun for the whole family.

Better than Turkey Day leftovers, It’s THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on November 29, 2021 .

#249 - Eternals Review, Frankie Piocos Interview, & What He Gonna Say

Hosts: TJ, Jason, & Brandon

This week on the show:

Segment One: TJ and Jason begin by discussing dietary habits, getting rid of sugar, and Alfredo Sauce should not be overpowered by garlic and onion powder. Jason celebrates his birthday by not getting the dinner he wanted. TJ’s looking forward to getting some free time in the next few weeks. Plus, Johnny Carson is, was, and always will be the GOAT and Brandon gets lost on the way to the show.

Segment Two: FGS brings us a prisoner who just can’t take his cellmate’s crap anymore. HOT TAKES pays tribute to the late Dean Stockwell, TJ is proven correct as he provides a long winded rant during the Eternals review, Frankie Piocos stops by to talk about his new album, Into The Ether, and the guys play a round of WHAT HE GONNA SAY - Naked Gun Edition.

Segment Three: Brandon tries his best but is his best good enough to unseat TJ as the reigning quiz champ? Find out as REDDIT FUN brings Choose The Land Locked Countries. Plus, an in-depth, PICKS O’ THE WEEK featuring Cowboy Bebop.

Don’t be scared. It’s only THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on November 15, 2021 .