#257 - Bendergate, Death On The Nile Review, & Percentages

Hosts: TJ, Jason, & Brett

This week on the show:

Segment One: Jason is 75% correct on his Superb Owl prediction. We revisit last week’s FGS winner as we get court audio from the Vegas driver who drove north bound on a south bound lane (SPOILER: He DEFINITELY wasn’t methed up….). The guys determine at least 75% of our audience is not ax murderers. And closing the segment with impromptu button fun.

Segment Two: FGS presents and man with a finger in his wallet. HOT TAKES remembers Ivan Rietman, reviews Death On The Nile, and respects John DiMaggio and his stance against getting lowballed by Hulu/Fox/Disney.

Segment Three: It’s quiz time on REDDIT FUN as we center on actors with three names. Plus, PICKS O’ THE WEEK.

Waiting for the Netflix serial killer special on Jessica Fletcher. It’s THE QUAD M SHOW!

The Quad M Show
#257 - Bendergate, Death On The Nile Review, & Percentages
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Posted on February 21, 2022 .