#155 - ProJared, Pattinson Is Batman, & Philippine Fun Facts


This week on the show:

Segment One: The guys (minus one) is back from sabbatical with stories galore. TJ presents Philippine Fun Facts, New Kid Steve thinks bathtubs are skeevy petrie dishes, and Best Of Show logic is discussed.

Segment Two: FGS presents the Ric Flair of Stupidity as a 13 time convicted felon does it again. HOT TAKES covers the ProJared controversy, a new sparkly Batman is announced, and Death Stranding now has a release date. SOUNDBITE OF THE WEEK brings forth a new theme song for NKS and images will be burned forever.

Segment Three: REDDIT FUN has Jason torture TJ with another round of Drunk or Kid.

It’s wide and girthy like TJ’s musical knowledge. It’s THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on June 3, 2019 .