#228 - Mortal Kombat Review, Invincible Recap, & Sparkling Mineral Water


Hosts: TJ, Jason, & Brett

This week on the show:

Segment One: Jason goes metal detecting and turns misery into the funny. Brett hates work but loves his grand-puppies. TJ gets a new toy, some bad news, and brings up a relationship debate: Club Soda vs. Sparkling Mineral Water.

Segment Two: FGS gives us gun smuggling and prison pockets. HOT TAKES has the guys recap Season 1 of Invincible. TJ unleashes hell on the new Mortal Kombat movie.

Segment Three: You’ve been kidnapped and are released 30 minutes later because you won’t shut up about what? A very important question asked in this week’s REDDIT FUN.

Cole Young sucks! It’s the QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on May 6, 2021 .

#227 - Invincible, Adaptations Gone Wrong, & Urban Dictionary Definitions


Hosts: TJ, Jason, & Brett

This week on the show:

Segment One: Jason takes a trip and reveals a friend of the show’s poor homing skills. Brett gets grand-puppies. TJ unleashes his three part plan for upgrade and conquest. Plus, complaining about lumber prices.

Segment Two: Rattlesnakes plus barbecue tongs passes the Brett Test in this wee’s FGS. HOT TAKES covers the passing of Digital Underground’s Shock G, the Amazon series Invincible and what makes a good adaptation. Plus, Urban Dictionary Definitions.

Segment Three: REDDIT FUN asks gamers of larger carriage “What was the line you used to pick up your hot chick?”

Never settle for 2nd best. Settle for THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on April 26, 2021 .

#226 - Godzilla Vs Kong Review, The Spain, & An All New Bracket


Hosts: TJ, Jason, Brandon

This week on the show:

Segment 1: Brandon joins the guys and discusses movies that Morgan Freeman says “M F’er” in, his stunning legal victory, and money vault swimming physics. Semantic-mania runs wild with Jason. TJ asks an important medical question.

Segment 2: FGS and an Arkansas man one upping Florida in post prison release shenanigans. HOT TAKES has a review of Godzilla Vs Kong and a return of THE BRACKET asking “Which evil corporation would you work for?”

Segment 3: REDDIT FUN asks “What Bible stories would pass as a Florida Man article?”

Watch how one man doesn’t even listen to the show while he’s on ti. It’s THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on April 19, 2021 .

#225 - Unrealistic Movie Expectations, MonsterVerse Trilogy Review, & Rufus Jones


Hosts: TJ, Jason, & Brett

This week on the show:

Segment One: The guys discuss new business opportunities with the Rufus Jones Scorchin’ Bendies Emporium. Brett relates his uncle’s big league aspirations and his ability to walk into money. Jason gets his first vaccine shot. Brett has a birthday. And TJ is tired, sets his movie expectations too high, and doesn’t know the difference between a snake and a chalupa.

Segment Two: FGS brings us a Florida man who thinks ripping of the county jail on his way out of lockup was a good idea. HOT TAKES covers another celeb passing and a review of the three MonsterVerse movies gearing up for Godzilla vs. Kong.

Segment Three: REDDIT FUN asks “What would the first response be to someone who know when you think of them during ‘self love’”?

It’s the showdown of the titans! It’s THE QUAD MS HOW!

Posted on April 12, 2021 .

#224 - Canadian Love, Chaos Walking Review, & MMA Digit Drama


Hosts: TJ, Jason, & Brett

This week on the show:

Segment One: The guys expound on why is Budweiser considered an export in Canada. The guys show appreciation for an great Canadian export: Strange Brew. TJ doesn’t have the ability to feel guilt. After a year of peace and quiet, work gets a little harder when all the folks return.

Segment Two: FGS presents Cooking with Mafia Criminals in Hiding. HOT TAKES brings a review of the film, Chaos Walking and an MMA fighter loses his finger during a recent match. Plus, cocaine plus Star Wars equals fun!

Segment Three: May the education of the masses commence as REDDIT FUN asks ‘What answers to inappropriate questions d you want”?

If cocaine was a podcast, it’d be THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on April 5, 2021 .

#223 - Pedicures, A Special Guest, & Name That Dick


Hosts: TJ, Jason, & Brett

This week on the show:

Segment One: A new celebrity endorsement is found the Carlson’s Bidets. TJ equals awkward looks. Jason loses his new heating pad to a four legged roommate. We learns the angels on both of TJ’s shoulders are named Bill. Brett witnesses a one vehicle accident of stupidity involving an innocent streetlight. TJ proves hes a man of his word and follows up with his corporately mandated pedicure.

Segment Two: FGS covers an Orem, Utah confrontation involving high speed chases, meth, and pizza. HOT TAKES see the guys joined by friend of the show DEREK CRABBE and we discuss Justice League, Falcon & Winter Soldier, & Suicide Squad. Then, it’s a rousing game of Name That Dick!

Segment Three: Derek joins the boys and Jason attempts to humble TJ with another REDDIT FUN round of Drunk Or A Kid.

When it’s more about the pizza than the meth, it’s THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on March 29, 2021 .

#222 - MFK: Grammy Edition, Falcon & Winter Soldier Premiere Review, & Pastor 3:16


Hosts, TJ, Jason, & Brett

This week on the show:

Segment One: Brett home has officially become Casa Del Bidet. Thanks to the power of suggestion, TJ is getting fancy. NFL Free Agency has sucked for two of the three hosts (only because the third could care less). Plus, racist dinosaurs!

Segment Two: FGS proudly present: Pastor 3:16. He don’t take guff and demands trophy quality wives! HOT TAKES covers the passing of actor Yaphet Kotto, the premiere of Falcon & Winter Soldier on Disney+, TJ starts up a new bit with MFK (this week: The Grammys).

Segment Three: REDDIT FUN asks “How would the course of human events change because on person pooped their pants?”

And the winner for Best Spoken Word Podcast goes to: THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on March 22, 2021 .

#221 - Glory Holaf, BAC World Records, & A Visiting Guest


Hosts: TJ, Jason, Brett, & Brandon

This week on the show:

Segment One: Brett returns after a hiatus and Brandon comes a'-visitin’. Brett takes a miserable work related road trips. Brandon has a new job and jokes are never as funny when you have to explain them. TJ learns about the wonderful world of probiotics.

Segment Two: FGS covers one mans obsessions with retail store stuffed animals. HOT TAKES has a Portland man registering a 0.77 BAC and living to tell the tell. This, in turn, leads to discussion about BAC world records, stories from our drinking past, comparing local bar reputations, and an appreciation of growing up as a latch key kid.

Segment Three: REDDIT FUN brings us quiz time! Can you identify the model’s country of birth?

Show us on the doll where THE QUAD M SHOW touched you.

Posted on March 15, 2021 .

#220 - Dispelling Vaccine Conspiracy Theories, WandaVision Finale, & Worst Apocalypse Ever


Hosts: TJ & Jason

This week on the show:

Segment One: Jason gets some trigger time. TJ’s sinuses really needs masks to go away. Worst apocalypse ever! Runs into an old friend of the show and valuable lessons have been learned. Vaccination conspiracy theories debunked.

Segment Two: Cats are weapons in this week’s FGS. HOT TAKES looks at the passing of wrestling promoter Jim Crockett Jr and the WandaVision finale. Jason loves the free B movies on YouTube. A little more Star Trek follow up and TJ is pleased of the (current non-exclusivity.

Segment Three:Cuss words that start with the letter”E”? We find out what exists in this wee’s REDDIT FUN. Plus, PICKS O’ THE WEEK.

95% effective 60% of the time! It’s THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on March 8, 2021 .

#219 - Female Wizards, Rush Limbaugh, & Star Trek


This week on the show:

Segment One: The beauty of Bob Uecker. TJ gets some sleep and is still a bitter old man. Jason gets pain meds that don’t work and a new OS that does. Brett raves about gourmet grilled cheese (yeah… it’s a thing…). TJ spends his vacation catching up on Enigma work and buying Bill Engvall tickets. Plus, a rundown on cat personalities.

Segment Two: FGS looks at wizard gender identity and epi-pen madness in Florida. HOT TAKES looks ate passings of Larry Flynt and Rush Limbaugh (and both parties controversies) and then , as TJ binges Star Trek on Netflix before it goes Parmount+ exclusive, the guys discuss the best of the final frontier.

Segment Three: What fan theory do you 100% subscribe to? Well, we look at them all in this week’s REDDIT FUN!

Week late and a dollar short! It’s THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on March 1, 2021 .

#218 - Superb Owl Predictions, A Quartet Of Death , & Birthday Cameos


Hosts: TJ, Jason, & Brett

This week on the show:

Segment One: Somebody’s got themselves a birthday this week. Brett loves too many corporate hands mucking up the soup. TJ loves his dad’s judgmental dog and quick turn-around at the DMV.

Segment Two: FGS gives us chainsaw madness at a Portland Main McDonald’s. HOT TAKES gives us four, count ‘em four(!), celebrity deaths, Super Bowl thoughts and predictions (SPOILER ALERT: We were WAY off), & then it’s time to introduce Jason to the greatness that is Cameo.com.

Segment Three: Jason doles out a best of 3 quizzes for REDDIT FUN. Plus, PICKS O’ THE WEEK.

Many birthday greetings! It’s THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on February 8, 2021 .

#217 - GameStop Short Sales, WWE Joins NBC Peacock , & The Tragedies Of Our Generation


Hosts: TJ & Jason

This week on the show:

Segment One: Jason gets a recap of last week’s Cameo excursion which leads to talk of Undertaker, Cena, and Make-A-Wish. Jason has to deal with conspiracy theorists. TJ’s world is turned upside down due to car repairs and teeth cleaning. It’ll be an expensive birthday indeed. Jason learns how short sales work at the guys discuss the GameStop/Reddit controversy from this past week.

Segment Two: FGS covers some a polygamist police officer in Texas. HOT TAKES looks at a trifecta of celebrity passings, the 35th anniversary of the Challenger explosion (and other tragedies of our generation and what school in the 80s had a nuclear bomb drill???), WWE makes a deal with NBC for exclusive US streaming, & Konami’s not killing off their game division despite recent reports.

Segment Three: REDDIT FUN gives TJ his time to shine and Jason busts out the quizzes featuring Left Side Of The Road Driving Countries and 80s TV Plots.

Get your Blockbuster Video stock before it skyrockets. Stock tips from THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on February 3, 2021 .

#216 - Inaugurations, Hank Aaron, Ubisoft/Star Wars, & Celebrities On Cameo


Hosts: TJ & Brett

This week on the show:

Segment One: it’s been a week of little sleep for the guys as TJ & Brett discuss TJ haircut history, a hectic workout schedule, the importance of knowing what you done’ know, and a plea for Americans to just settle down after the inauguration.

Segment Two: FGS brings a couple of OnlyFans/Pornhub content providers getting busted for just doing their job. HOT TAKES looks at the passing of baseball hall of famer and home run king Hank Aaron and Ubisoft gaining the rights to make Star Wars games.

Segment Three: In a Jason-less REDDIT FUN, TJ & Brett look at celebrity Cameo videos. Flavor Flav, Charlie Sheen, Gary Busey and other train wrecks ahead!

It’s no sleep ‘til Brooklyn for THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on January 25, 2021 .

#215 - WandaVision Review, Lottery Billions, & Tommy LaSorda


Hosts: TJ, Jason, & Brett

This week on the show:

Segment One: A little history of audio quality leads us into discussions of Doyletown, PA and east coast culture shock. Powerball and Mega Millions are up to insane amounts that the guys plans their Quad M future after they win it all. Brett bemoans his inept helpers, TJ discusses Scorchin’ Bendies’ talent and his hellacious workout program. Amphetamines, anyone?

Segment Two: FGS brings us an Australian dance instructor turning into a neck breaking stunt woman attempting a Dirty Dancing re-enactment. HOT TAKES covers the passing of baseball legend Tommy LaSorda and the medical diagnosis of Dustin Diamond. Friend of the show DEREK CRABBE joins the guys to discuss the new Disney+/MCU release, WandaVision.

Segment Three: More YouTube channel updates, planning, & speculation leads us into REDDIT FUN which asks “Who would be the worst replacement host for Jeopardy?”

Happy MLK Day from THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on January 18, 2021 .

#214 - Celebrity Book Of The Dead: 2020 Edition, Wonder Woman 1984 Review, & T.P.M.D.A.M.M


Hosts: TJ, Jason, & Brett

This week on the show:

Segment One: Meet the new year, same as the old year. TJ brings some updates to the future of The Quad M Show and interviews and the YouTube page. Jason’s vacation involves pain and a not to pleasing MRI. Brett experiences the wonders of COVID testing, quarantine, and bidets. The guys discuss the failed siege on the US Capitol and wacky conspiracy theories abound.

Segment Two: The first FGS winner of the year involves Facebook, death threats, but no politics. HOT TAKES brings us the 2020 Celebrity Book Of The Dead (featuring twists, turns, and The Mandela Effect) and the guys review Wonder Woman 1984.

Segment Three: Brett loves his Deeply Dapper Beard Oil and makes a plea to Kris McClanahan. TJ is not affected by “gummies”. REDDIT FUN looks at what names they’d have if all celebrities were named like Bill Nye The Science Guy.

Welcome to 2020: Part Two! It’s THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on January 11, 2021 .

#213 - The Quad M Show 2020 Year End Suck-Tacular


Hosts: TJ, Jason, & Brett

This week on the show:

Segment One: Pre show worm up features stunning discourse on Mac & Cheese. TJ closes out the Boba Fett Bet with Jason. Customer service and literacy is the word of the day for Brett. Then it’s time for the annual Quad M gift exchange. Season tidings abound!

Segment Two: FGS involves diapers, new soul sensation Sexual Battery, Jason stunning the crowd by uttering the words Nikki Minaj, and Brett learns who Billie Eilish is. HOT TAKES the passing of Jeremy “Original Boba Fett” Bulloch and TJ’s look back at having the chance to meet the legend. Special guest Derek Crabbe joins the show to talk Wonder Woman 1984, Spider man 3 rumors, and the future of movies theaters.

Segment Three: Nature’s etiquette, pinky toes, & Chuck Norris are all part of this week’s REDDIT FUN as we look at the most inopportune time to get assassinated.

Let’ hope 2021 shows a little more respect to you and THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on December 21, 2020 .

#212 - Trifecta Of Celeb Passings, Disney Investors Meeting, & A Missing Third Segment


Hosts: TJ & Brett

This week on the show:

Segment One: The guys talk a little football, discuss new YouTube ideas, Brett has a week of Mondays, & TJ loves his job. TJ also offers up some corrections and retractions.

Segment Two: FGS delivers a Euro bodybuilder’s wedded bliss with a sex doll. HOT TAKES celebrates the lives of three more 2020 celebrity casualties. Also, Disney has a massive update at their annual investor’s meeting and we look at all the MCU, Star Wars, & Pixar goodness coming our way.

Segment Three: Through unforeseen technical difficulties, there is no third segment to offer this week. If it makes you feel any better, you missed out on a quiz involving Brett guessing super heroes and their quotes.

Better luck next time. It’s THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on December 15, 2020 .

#211 - Animaniacs Reboot, The Mandalorian is a Japanese RPG, & How Would You Change It?


Hosts: TJ, Jason, & Brett

This week on the show:

Segment One: New YouTube material is discussed as the guys discuss their Thanksgivings. Is AVGN still relevant?

Segment Two: FGS presents Grand Thefts and Power Poles. HOT TAKES brings TJ’s review of the new Animanieacs reboot, the guys compare The Mandalorian’s storytelling to Japanese Role Playing Game tropes, and a new bit, HOW WOULD YOU CHANGE IT, looks at the movies we love and make them better.

Segment Three: REDDIT FUN looks at who would win the battle of the Cereal Killers.

You wouldn’t change a thing about THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on November 30, 2020 .

#210 - Alex Trebek, Snowflakes Vs Baby Yoda, & DC Comics To Stop Publishing?


Hosts: TJ, Jason, & Brett

This week on the show:

Segment One: TJ gets a nap. Why does SNL suck so bad? Jason sets the doctors straight. The women in Brett’s house are getting it done on the hunting fields. TJ’s 17 day work marathon pays off. Quarantine is not conducive to the single life.

Segment Two: FGS brings us an exhibitionist couple with amazing rap sheets. HOT TAKES looks at the passing of Alex Trebek, snowflakes horrified by Baby Yoda’s genocidal tendencies, and diversity, pandering, political conspiracies, and how to save the industry are all discussed as we look at Ethan Van Sciver’s statements on the future of DC Comics.

Segment Three: REDDIT FUN does an about face when Scenes From A Hat doesn’t work and we instead go with the ever reliable quiz.

All shapes, sizes, and colors are welcome here. It’s THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on November 23, 2020 .

#209 - Sean Connery, Elections, & More Mandalorian


Hosts: TJ & Brett

This week on the show:

Segment One: Brett recounts his week off with hunting trips and the dregs of returning from work after a vacation. And then, Lord help us, the boys talk The Election. It’s dichotomy at its best: Talking Biden, Trump, Oregon, Indecisive states, media idiocy, & how it’s all the same song and hypocritical dance.

Segment Two: FGS is all about equal time this week as a man visits an adult store with lecherous intent. HOT TAKES remembers legend Sean Connery and visits St. Sean (lord help us…) and a look at the latest episode of The Mandalorian.

Segment Three: Brett gets his knowledge tested with REDDIT FUN this week in a rousing bout of Who Said It: Trump vs. Buddy The Elf.

Don’t let election drama get you down while you’ve got THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on November 11, 2020 .