Best Of The Quad M Show

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This week on the show:

A quick introduction from TJ to get things started.

Segment One (from Episode #148): Segment One: Special guest and New Kid Steve’s sister, Heather, sits in and has a few words regarding Debra Messing, moles, and feminine beauty. Plus, some heat between Marty and New Kid Steve involving dinner time revelations.

Segment Two (from Episode #100): FGS brings us an Indian woman with severe marital issues and a missing kidney. It's a two-fer this week with HORRIBLE MOMENTS IN KUNTZWEILER HISTORY as McKenzie recalls a horrifying tale of nose versus milk crate and Marty teaches the importance of watching out for nails.

Segment Three (from Episode #169): Segment Three: REDDIT FUN asks “If week is the Devil’s Lettuce, then what else is in the Devil’s Kitchen?” This leads to a trip to the casting couch for Satan.

Stay safe, everyone, from your pals at THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on April 6, 2020 .

#188 - Corona Quarantine, Dogging, & Metal Lyric Generator


Hosts: TJ, Jason

This week on the show:

Segment One: Coronavirus Watch 2020 brings full coverage of life under quarantine (Spoiler Alert: Nothing has changed). Conversations about Kurt Russell’s bad-assery abounds.

Segment Two: FGS presents the complete opposite of social distancing and Jason learns about Dogging. HOT TAKES covers two celebrity passings, Stone Cold Steve Austin’s awkward empty arena promo, and giving an online metal lyric generator a whirl.

Segment Three: REDDIT FUN test TJ’s overall Avenger knowledge what “Who Wins In An Avenger’s Fight If They Were All Transformed Into Their Literal Names”.?

Wash your hands! From THE QUAD M SHOW.

Posted on March 23, 2020 .

#187 - Keto, Emerald City Cancelled, & What If...?


Hosts: TJ, Jason

This week on the show:

Segment One: TJ and Jason discuss a Newt (from Aliens) stand alone movie and attempt to put the Fox Monster Movie Universe in chronological order. TJ and Jason get into a long winded discussion about TJ’s new venture into the Keto Diet.

Segment Two:: FGS brings us Joe Hogan and a neglected patient lights his hospital bed on fire. HOT TAKES covers the new Batmobile, Emerald City Comic Con cancelled due to Corona Virus, Disney+ releases a new trailer for the What If…? MCU series, and the guys take part is Sexual Would You Rather.

Segment Three: We go old school with REDDIT FUN as Jason asks the hive mind, “What would you say just before pulling the switch on the electric chair?”

It’s not the Corona Virus. It’s THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on March 9, 2020 .

#186 - Pat-Bat, A Special Guest, & What's Older Than TJ


Hosts: TJ, Marty, New Kid Steve

This week on the show:

Segment One: NKS gets some good news… and cheese steaks. TJ’s voice is trashed from the sickness. and is looking to make some personal changes.

Segment Two: FGS covers a Florida man wanting to show the goods at IHOP. HOT TAKES friend of the show and Quad M Wear seal breaker, Derek Crabbe, and he brings a new poll for the fans. NKS judges wrestling and TJ has to wake him. Harvey WeinStein’ verdict comes down. New Batman pics leak and the boys start talking best vs. worst and the future of the character in movies.

Segment Three: New Kid Steve brings a new game to REDDIT FUN: What’s Older Than TJ? The results may surprise you.

These fellas be spittin’. It’s THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on March 3, 2020 .

#185 - The Harvey Weinstein Trial, F'd Up Bracket, & Blue Chew Side Effects


Hosts: TJ, Jason, New Kid Steve, Marty

Segment One: NKS tries to improve his Karma points but to no avail. Jason hates Valentine’s Day. Marty hates life and proves hi’s a total animal. TJ’s still rocking trivia and gives NKS what for.

Segment Two: FGS presents an Iowa man giving some racial education to an unwilling participant. HOT TAKES covers the current situation with the Harvey Weinstien trial and NKS brings in a new FUCKED UP BRACKET featuring hot tubbin’ bats and Blue Chew side effects.

Segment Three: REDDIT FUN has Jason giving another general knowledge quiz. Is Marty’s guessing up to snuff?

Don’t give away the twist ending! It’s THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on February 24, 2020 .

#184 - Bet Results, TJ's Dying, & Where's Your Faith In Marty


Hosts: TJ, Marty, New Kid Steve

This week on the show:

Segment One: Marty watches more garbage TV and the guys call out the b.s. of reality show blind dating. and Franken-bachelor. TJ celebrates his his birthday by laying on his deathbed and runs into an old friend of the show while attending his first go at trivia. The guys talk about the differences in sports drafts.

Segment Two: FGS brings us senior citizen tasering and the guys nail down where the zombie apocalypse with start. HOT TAKES answers who won this years Super Bowl show betting. Halsey? Who’s Halsey? Thoughts on a new bit.

Segment Three: The guys enjoy another round of Where’s Your Faith In Marty during REDDIT FUN and TJ nearly dies. So there’s that…

Happy Hallmark Holidays from THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on February 17, 2020 .

#183 - Super Bowl Bets, Smart Toddlers, & Marty's Interrogation


Hosts: TJ, Jason, Marty, New Kid Steve

This week on the show:

Segment One: The guys learn the history of St. Patrick’s Day. NKS thells two stories involving a whacked out neighbor and his girlfriend’s brutally honest child. Jason’s willing to try the Impossible Whopper. Deep fried rules! Why is there an Outlet Challenge and why is there Tick Tock? TJ goes off on people bringing toddlers into breweries.

Segment Two: FGS covers a New Mexico man’s love of prostitutes and Chili’s. HOT TAKES looks at Former Mighty Duck turned meth-head. The guys make their predictions as we look forward to the Super Bowl with ridiculous bets and the mandatory punishments for whomever loses.

Segment Three: The guys discuss cocaine in Coke and then run Marty through the Inquisitor 3000 2.0 in REDDIT FUN.

If I were a bettin’ man, my money’d be on THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on February 3, 2020 .

#182 - Kobe Bryant, Picard, & Inquisitor 3000 2.0


Hosts: TJ, Jason, New Kid Steve

This week on the show:

Segment One: The guys follow up on the Four Loco Aftermath. TJ and NKS debate Ridley Scott’s movies. And begin talk of the Super Bowl Bet Show.

Segment Two: FGS presents trial by combat and a new show from Quad M Productions. HOT TAKES discusses the untimely passing of Kobe Bryant, a look ahead to this years Super Bowl betting and payoffs, and Jason gives his two cents on the new Star Trek series, Picard.

Segment Three: TJ shows his true colors as a sissy as he introduces the all new Inquisitor 3000 2.0 for REDDIT FUN.

Look both way before crossing. It’s THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on January 29, 2020 .

#181 - The Four Loco Challenge


Hosts: TJ, Jason, Marty, New Kid Steve

This week on the show:

Segment One: The debacle begins as the guys begin the Four Loco Challenge. The guys recall the first or most memorable times in their early drinking years. Marty’s a good person. Four Loco nutritional facts? TJ begs for mercy as he admits a major Man Card violation…. which relates to the largest (and hopefully, only) discussion of The Bachelor.

Segment Two: FGS covers a discrimination case against PornHub. HOT TAKES presents Betty White’s birthday, TJ’s new ladyfriend gets subjected to the QUAD M INQUISITOR 3000, and the unbridled descent into Four Loco Madness begins.

Segment Three: One of the guys begins to lose it emotionally and physically as we begin a train wreck version of WHERE’S OUR FAITH IN MARTY.

Four Loco, son! It’s THE QUAD M SHOW!!!

Posted on January 20, 2020 .

#180 - Ricky Gervais, Neil Peart, & Top Ten Stripper Names


Hosts: TJ, New Kid Steve, Marty

This week on the show:

Segment One: The mellow tone of a Saturday recording doesn’t last long as NKS begins a healthy eating regimen, the guys talk nostalgia goggles involving the new Bill and Ted movie and which group of people was Top Gun really geared for. Despite the new diet, TJ and Marty do believe NKS will be the next contestant on My 700 Pound Life. A new Inquisitor 3000 is on the way and TJ’s reals new job is revealed.

Segment Two: FGS covers equality in sports and a crazed British woman failing at the Mile High Club. Plus, the top 10 stripper stage names. HOT TAKES begins remembering the greatest drummer in rock history, Neil Peart. TJ and Marty look back at the finale of The Mandalorian Season One. Ricky Gervais slams the Hollywood Elite and the boys can’t get enough. Deepfaking is potentially getting banned.

Segment Three: REDDIT FUN brings us some WHATCHU THINK ‘BOUT THAT with NKS.

Live long and prosper with THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on January 13, 2020 .

#179 - 2019 Book Of The Dead, More CRL, & The Quad M Inquisitor 2000


Hosts: TJ, Jason, New Kid Steve, Marty

Segment One: The holidays are over and the boys are back at it. NKS gets terrorized by the Zappy trio (Mr., Mrs., and Pappy). NKS bleeds out. TJ gains some knowledge. And Marty’s sweater will kill us all.

Segment Two: FGS rings in the new year with mutual battery and Kelly Clarkson. HOT TAKES presents the annual look back at those that passed in 2019. so much for going spoiler-free, and Jason updates us on Crazy Rock Lady.

Segment Three: REDDIT FUN introduces the end all be all de-facto equipment of truth: The Quad M Inquisitor 3000. Bow down before its glory.

Welcome back and let’s have us a great year. It’s THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on January 6, 2020 .

The Best Of 2019: Volume Two

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In this second volume of the best of THE QUAD M SHOW’S 2019, your host, Connie Lingus, covers more of the greatest hist of the past year.

  • The waxing of TJ and New Kid Steve (including the lead up, the bet, and the payoff)

  • FGS winner La Fiera

  • New Kid Steve’s man on the street Q&A during Gay Pride Weekend

  • Drunken Marty tells us how big Africa is

  • The Shock Collar Challenge with New Kid Steve and his sister.

  • the first What’s Your Faith In Marty?

See you in 2020, love THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on December 30, 2019 .

The Best Of 2019: Volume One

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Join Connie as she present some of the best 2019 had to offer from THE QUAD M SHOW.


  • Phoner from friend of the show Marq Piocos as he gets in a little too deep with some shady characters.

  • An FGS featuring snake oil and a revelation about Marty’s pristine uncut manhood.

  • New Kid Steve relates the tale of how he lost a ball.

  • F’D UP BRACKET where the boys hatch a plot to conquer Angola.

  • New Kid Steve: The Musical

  • REDDIT FUN featuring Urban Dictionary

Posted on December 24, 2019 .

#178- The Quad M Show 2019 Year End Suck-Tacular


Hosts: TJ, Jason, New Kid Steve, Marty

Segment One; It’s been some time since the fab four have been all in and it shows with brutal mud slinging right from the get go. Jason takes a gun for a walk. NKS get to go a-tree hunting. Marty gets mortally wounded and is now allowed to carry weapons.

Segment Two: FGS brings a Kentucky judge and her frat house chambers. HOT TAKES covers the annual gift giving, Baby Yoda, the guys discuss the Quad M Triathlon and agree to go with a fertility competition, and Russian Slapping Tournaments.

Segment Three: NKS covers penis fish, cocaine Wal-Mart jumpers, performance art dining with a touch of money laundering, two headed cobras, and amazing pets doing amazing things in this week’s WHATCU THINK ‘BOUT THAT. Plus, PICKS O’ THE WEEK.

Season’s Greetings and Happy New Year from THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on December 17, 2019 .

Interview - Derek Crabbe


This week on the show:

Thanksgiving holiday, illness, and life in general be damned! This week in place of a normal show, TJ interviews HISTORY OF COMICS ON FILM’s and FANHOLES’ creator and host, Derek Crabbe!

The guys discuss the latest episode of HISTORY OF COMICS ON FILM featuring the seminal classic, Heavy Metal, the perils of being a YouTube content provider, Derek’s opinion of The Joker and how it may or may not be too real, as well as the wonder of Disney+, The Mandalorian, and Baby Yoda.

Posted on December 6, 2019 .

#177 - Merrill Howard Kalin Watch-Along, NKS' Lightsaber, Kanye's Freaking Nuts


Hosts: TJ & New Kid Steve

Okay, here’s the thing…. I typed this up once already and thanks to a power surge, it all went buh-bye.

Simple run down: TJ and Steve are bringing the funny. In particular, during the second segment, we present the first ever Quad M Watch Along featuring the awesomeness that is Merrill Howard Kalin. Very enlightening and entertaining episode. I just don’t want to retype all this shit and try to get the show out on time.

Besides, no one reads these things anyways….

Posted on November 25, 2019 .

#176 - Disney+, The Mandalorian, & Myles Garrett


Hosts: TJ, New Kid Steve, Marty

This week on the show:

Segment One: Marty’s gearing up for new adventures. NKS gets roped into an airport drive….to another town and becomes Facebook official. TJ’s on his deathbed. Marty’s in awesome heath, according to local physicians but not his diet. NKS makes some more judgments on mountain folk in spite of his weak wrists. NKS teaches us some new slang.

Segment Two: FGS brings an anti-climactic tale of a Florida man racing home after some questionable activities. HOT TAKES looks at the Myles Garrett assault on Thursday Night Football, Disney+ has launched and the guys review its awesomeness (SPOILER: It’s freakin’ awesome!), This, of course, leads to the guys’ review of The Mandalorian.

Segment Three: REDDIT FUN involves a failed attempt at video of the week. NKS brings presents. Plus, Picks O’ The Week.

Who needs Disney+? You’ve got THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on November 18, 2019 .

#175 - Death Stranding, F'd Up Bracket, & Thanksgiving Sandwiches


Hosts: TJ, New Kid Steve, Marty

This week on the show:

Segment One: With two weeks off and Jason gone, it’s a laundry list of listener love. We find out what’s in Marty’s sack. NKS plans Thanksgiving chaos. New employment abounds for Marty and TJ. TJ joins Crazy Cat Lady status with two new members added to his family. Cats vs. dog debate. Surprise call from NKS’ girlfriend.

Segment Two: It’s another downer FGS winner involving gender reveal pipe bombs and mee-maws. HOT TAKES covers new Mandalorian trailer, Death Stranding is coming, and THE F’D UP BRACKET with a belated Halloween theme and NKS gets his mind blown by a long time Hollywood conspiracy theory. Baby Marty, Big Wheels, Bill Cosby, Pinhead, and so much more.

Segment Three: REDDIT FUN is without Jason. However, TJ runs NKS and Marty through the ringer with Star Wars Character or Athlete. Plus, a visit from McKenzie.

All this and Hepatitis too! It’s THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on November 4, 2019 .

#174 - Foreigner Fun, Rule 34, & Two Big Quiz Games


Hosts: TJ, Jason, Steve, Marty

This week on the show:

Segment One: The guys regale tales of fun with foreigners and the English language. Ageism runs wild. A little movie trivia. Porn has covered all bases.

Segment Two: FGS brings us thruple issues, breakfast sausage, and stupid arguments. HOT TAKES covers the greatness of GTA and the return of WHERE’S YOUR FAITH IN MARTY.

Segment Three: It’s another round of quiz as REDDIT FUN looks into messed up celebrity crime.

Stone cold comedy at its finest! It’s THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on October 21, 2019 .

#173 - Joker and John Wick 3 Reviews, Wheeler Walker Jr, & CRL Follow Up


Hosts: TJ, Jason, Steve, & Marty

This week on the show:

Segment One: The debate begins on Rocky Mountain Oysters. New Kid Steve discovers chocolate covered gummi bears. Marty’s in a mood. NKS wants to butt-chug but not down with open air breastfeeding. Marty’s still in a ;mood. TJ acts his age and avoids shenanigans with a crazy lady.

Segment Two: FGS covers a Florida Man and his pee gun. HOT TAKES presents TJ’s review of John Wick Chapter 3 and NKS and TJ spoiler filled review of Joker. Jason has a follow up with Crazy Rock Lady. P;us, TJ finds a new artist that’s stolen his heart.

Segment Three: REDDIT FUN quiz time. Surprise questions. Surprise contestant.

Lactation awnings coming soon! It’s THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on October 14, 2019 .