#091 - Blade Runner 2049 Review, A Visit From HOCOF's Derek Crabbe, and El Dorado!!!


This week on show:

Segment One: The show opens with TJ describing legendary Super Friend El Dorado to Marty and what happens when THE QUAD M SHOW doesn't post.  Marty enjoys some time with the kiddo and TJ enjoys time with a mental master.

Segment Two:  FGS delivers a fish who wants more than a kiss.  HOT TAKES covers a slew of celebrity death, a review of Blade Runner 2049, and History of Comics on Film and Fanholes host Derek Crabbe stops by to discuss comic lists, Turtle Power, and the latest HOCOF featuring Super Friends: The Lost Episodes.

Segment Three: HORRIBLE MOMENTS IN MARTY HISTORY gives us an incident involving Marty, drinking, and diving head first into a trailer hitch.  All that and PICKS OF THE WEEK!

Say it loud, say it proud! It's THE QUAD M SHOW!!!

Posted on October 16, 2017 .

#090 - Bobby "The Brain" Heenan, The Mad Pooper, & Sibling Love


This week on the show:

Segment One: Marty's patrons get TJ's blood pressure going, John Cusak movies, and it's outhouse to penthouse for TJ and his abatement duties this week.

Segment Two: FGS brings a father, a clown mask, and a child whose gonna need a lot of therapy. HOT TAKES covers the passing of the greatest manager of all time: Bobby "The Brain" Heenan, The Mad Pooper of Colorado Springs, Batman Day, and the new Netflix/Marvel trailer for The Punisher.

Segment Three: HORRIBLE MOMENTS IN MARTY HISTORY gives a strong dose of sibling love as Marty recounts being hung out of a second story window, naked, by his older sister.

Come one, come all. It's THE QUAD M SHOW!!!

Posted on September 25, 2017 .

#089 - IT Review, The Passing Of A Legend, & Batman: TAS 25th Anniversary


This week on the show:

Segment One: TJ is joined this week by Andy Mac and the guys recap the week that wasn't as TJ's abatement duties make him feel his age.

Segment Two: FGS brings us some dandies as check fraud and slave commerce are points of discussion (all hate mail can be sent forth-with). HOT TAKES presents a conversation/review of the new movie IT, the passing of comic book legend Len Wein, and the guys celebrate the 25th anniversary of Batman: The Animated Series.

Segment Three: A special REDDIT FUN as Andy re-addresses the topic of How Many 10 Year Olds Would It Take To Bring Down A Full Grown Man.

It's THE QUAD M SHOW! We all laugh down here, Georgie....

Posted on September 19, 2017 .

#088 - McGregor/Maywether Recap, Defenders Review, & A Tense Phone Call


This week on the show:

Segment One: TJ and Marty recap their time off (unfortunately, life gets in the way) and discuss camping buses, elderly parents with no volume control, and displaced spiders.

Segment Two: FGS brings two new morons into the spotlight and then things get a little real as voice of the show (& Marty's wife) calls in when an intruder tries to break into their camper (one's in the chamber, folks). HOT TAKES covers the long awaited McGregor/Maywether fight and TJ's review of The Defenders.

Segment Three: The return of REDDIT FUN!!!

Better late than never. It's THE QUAD M SHOW!!!

Posted on September 11, 2017 .

#087 - A Conversation With Andy


This week on the show:  A slight change in format as what was to be the second segment of the show becomes a near two hour gab fest between TJ and special guest Andy Mcnamara.  Lots of topics covered (but mostly wrestling and sex). Here you'll find:

How fairy tales should/could be reworked into wrestling angles (the infamous Neverland Screw Job), two horrifying FGS winners (there's a theme.... Hum along, if you'd like),  Glen Campbell and Ric Flair, Sunny is a train wreck, why is Chyna not in the WWE Hall Of Fame, TJ and Andy debate Virgin Mother Mary vs. Mary Magdalene, Andy's love of Daniel Bryan. Plus, Andy recaps his San Fran vacation (including poop flinging homeless people and a stroll through West Oakland).

It's a chock full program this week, so grab your popcorn and hunker down. It's THE QUAD M SHOW!!!

Posted on August 18, 2017 .

#086 - The Return of 'Taika' & Siri Vs. Bohemian Rhapsody

After an almost month long hiatus, THE QUAD M SHOW returns!!!

This week on the show:

Segment One: The guys catch up on all that's happened during the time off. Marty starts a new  company and TJ release a sneak preview of Enigma #4.

Segment Two: FGS brings us two stories of three morons. Two can't find a room and one has a reserved sign at the state pen.  HOT TAKES delivers more celebrity death, Atari unveils plans for the new Ataribox, San Diego Comic Con movie trailers for Justice League and Thor: Ragnarok which in turn leads to a long awaited return of good friend 'Taika Waitit' to the show. And SOUNDBITE OF THE WEEK provides a little Siri/Queen action.

Segment Three:  HORRIBLE MOMENTS IN MARTY HISTORY comes at like a line drive as Marty remembers a time when he got smacked in the eye with a softball. Plus, PICKS OF THE WEEK.

Great gosh almighty, it's been a long time coming.... It's THE QUAD M SHOW!!!

Posted on August 4, 2017 .

#085 - Spider-Man: Homecoming Review and EARTHQUAKE!!!

This week on the show:

Segment One: TJ & Marty bring a little update on Micah The Artistic Autistic.  The fellas also recap a 5.8 earthquake that took place mere hours after last weeks recording.  Plus, a new Z-LIST CELEBRITY FOLLOWER is introduced.

Segment Two:  FGS presents Starbucks.  HOT TAKES covers TJ's glowing review of Spider-Man: Homecoming. The guys talk about the new Castlevania series on NetFlix as well as other fave shows from the streaming service. Also, H. Jon Benjamin and shark jumping.

Segment Three:  HORRIBLE MOMENTS IN MARTY HISTORY recaps a rugby accident resulting in liquid dieting. Plus the perils of growing facial hair and more Costco love.

Fufilling all of your ear candy needs.  It's THE QUAD M SHOW!!!

Posted on July 13, 2017 .

#084 - Derek Carr, Super Nintendo Classic Edition, & Mushroom Movie Watchin'

This week on the show:

Segment One brings us an update on TJ and Jason's major motion picture debut, Marty recaps some Independence Day shenanigans and TJ hates his computer.

Segment Two offers up some FGS goodness involving Czech bikini clad power plant interns and another seasoned citizen busted in prostitution wackiness. Plus, TJ waxes philosophical about his love of teaching foreigners how to properly swear in English.  HOT TAKES covers the Derek Carr/Raiders signing and the announced Super Nintendo Classic Edition.

Segment Three presents another HORRIBLE MOMENT IN MARTY HISTORY as Marty talks about taking hallucinogenics before watching Sleepy Hollow.. And TJ provides a PICK OF THE WEEK showcasing Micah The Artistic Autistic and his battles with the YouTube copyright hassle.

Don't let the loud noise scare you. It's THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on July 7, 2017 .

#083 - Apologies Given, Saturn Awards Nominated, & Horrible Moments Relived

Segment One:  TJ provides a much due apology regarding comments made during last week's show, gives an update on Jason's status with the show, and shares an Enigma update as well.

Segment Two: FGS presents a Florida man who plot for revenge against a suspected mail thief go astray.  HOT TAKES covers thoughts and opinions about the announced Mayweather vs. McGregor fight, The Saturn Award nominations, and the 30th anniversary of Predator (horrible Ah-nuld impressions included).

Segment Three: HORRIBLE MOMENTS IN MARTY HISTORY relates a tale of teenage boys, herbal stimulation, and a big huge lightning strike. Good times!

C'mon on in and pull up a chair.  it's THE QUAD M SHOW!!!

Posted on June 22, 2017 .

#082 - Derek Crabbe Interview, Big Time Wrestling, Adam West, & A Stroller Named Bob

This week on the show:

Segment One: The guys discuss Big Time Wrestling in the Zoo Town and TJ goes overboard critiquing the matches and the wrestlers involved. Puls a new Z LIST CELEBRITY OF THE WEEK.

Segment Two: FGS brings a fine representative of the Emerald Isle while HOT TAKES covers Hank Williams Jr returning to Monday Night Football and the passing of Adam West. Then it's on to an interview with long time friend of the show, Derek Crabbe.  Derek and the guys talk Adam West and the latest History of Comic on Film episode, Dracula: Sovereign of the Damned.

Segment Three:  A new segment is introduced as we look into HORRIBLE MOMENTS IN MARTY HISTORY. This week Marty survives and day from hell with only his bib overalls, a bag full of dreams, and a stroller..... named Bob.

Comin' at ya from all four corners and around the world. It's THE QUAD M SHOW!!!

Posted on June 15, 2017 .

#081 - Phoenix Comic Con Uproar Recap With Kris McLanahan, Trainwrecks, & Wonder Woman

This week on the show:

Segment One:  Marty gushes about the joys of married life and TJ goes out of town to help a friend and comes back with more pressure to finish Enigma #4.  Plus a new Z LIST CELEBRITY FOLLOWER OF THE WEEK.

Segment Two:  FGS presents Porn Star Batters Boyfriend.  HOT TAKES covers a local incident with Grimace, TJ opines about Wonder Woman, and friend of the show Kris McLanahan stops by to talk about the Phoenix Comic Con assassination attempt on Jason David Frank and subsequent cosplay props ban.

Segment Three:  REDDIT FUN brings us 'What was your response when you found out your child worked in the adult entertainment industry'.  Yeah.... There appears to be a theme this week.

Hum along!  It's THE QUAD M SHOW!!!

Posted on June 8, 2017 .

#080 - Kevin Smith in Spokane, Shenanigans in Phoenix, and Old Lady Spencer In Our Hearts

This week on the show:

Segment One: TJ welcomes guest host and Quad M's official bartender Marty to the show and they discuss TJ's romp to Spokane to enjoy some bar-cades, booze, and Kevin Smith.

Segment Two: FGS brings us a girl voted 'most likely to become a terrorit' by her teachers. HOT TAKES covers the Phoenix Comic Con and and idiots failed attempt to assassinate the Green Power Ranger (Jason David Frank), an events recap involving guns and a local bar, a laundry list of celebrity deaths since the last episode, Pirates of the Caribbean versus Baywatch at the box office, and SOUNDBITE OF THE WEEK features the angelic tones of Old Mrs. Spencer and her heavenly phone etiquette.

Segment Three: REDDIT FUN showcases 'Best Pickup Lines Heard By Bartenders" as well as a couple PICKS O' THE WEEK.

Sorry it took so long, gang. It's THE QUAD M SHOW!!!

Posted on June 4, 2017 .

#079 - Mr. Rogers, Colonel Sanders, & Quad M's New Comic

This week on the show:

Segment One: Andy Mac subs for Jason this week and the guys discuss getting too old for the late nights, Andy's on a Mr. Rogers kick, and TJ follows up on Siamese Twin legal info (as sparked by Super Fan Kris from Pocatello).

Segment Two:  FGS brings us a high school's senior party treasurer embezzling funds to support her sex toy business and a Chinese man tries to cure constipation the old fashioned way.  HOT TAKES covers Diane Lane's big mouth, Alien Covenant (James Franco?  TJ's not a fan...), social media train wrecks, and KFC's new romance novel.

Segment Three: TJ and Andy talk The Sham-Wow guy, celebrity deaths (was 2007 bigger than 2016?), and REDDIT FUN leads to a potential new comic book series from Quad M Productions.

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's THE QUAD M SHOW.

Posted on May 15, 2017 .

#078 - Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2 & $#!++y Morgan Freeman

This week on the show:

Segment One: The guys learn that XD can have two separate meanings, discuss proper celebrations for May The Fourth and Revenge Of The Fifth, and help TJ come to grips with being a grumpy old man.

Segment Two:  FGS covers Fat Riots in England and coked up greyhounds in Florida. HOT TAKES brings us Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2 discussion and the worst Morgan Freeman impression known to man. Plus Alien Covenant, Defenders, and Jason still hates Blair Witch.

MOVIE MINUTE: Guardians Vol. 2 review (non-spoiler)

Segment Three:  REDDIT FUN request 'Tell the dirtiest joke you know'. TJ's soul hurt afterwards. 

Come one, come all. It's THE QUAD M SHOW!!!

Posted on May 8, 2017 .

#077 - Siamese Twins, Val Kilmer's A.M.A, & The Quad M Trinity

This week on the show:

Segment One:  Jason has a quick week, TJ becomes the fan of a 'new team', and the guys discuss the legalities of Siamese Twin love.

Segment Two:  FGS brings us bookstore vengeance and drunken chiuauas. HOT TAKES covers ESPN's layoff-o-rama, Bill O'Reilly's new value packed podcast, Nintendo does it again, and Val Kilmer does a Reddit A.M.A.

Segment Three: REDDIT FUN closes us out with 'Clean Jokes That Sound Dirty'. 

Spreading more love and joy than a conjigal visit, it's THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on May 1, 2017 .

#076 - Bunnies...Don't...Poop...Eggs!!!

This week on the show:

Segment One:  Jason gets a boo-boo and TJ relearns the value of "Ctrl+S".

Segment Two: FGS presents two Easter themed award winners. One is a preacher spreading the word in Hong Kong and the other is a woman who doesn't take kindly to her boyfriend's ham cooking ways.  HOT TAKES leads to a discussion of Nintendo pulling a bait and switch (no pun intended) and Top 10 NES games. Plus, Bill O'Rielly.

Segment Three: REDDIT FUN asks "Add 'Almost' to the beginning of any movie title and describe". Hilarity ensues.

The show so nice, you gotta listen to it twice. It's THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on April 24, 2017 .

#075 - DIVERSITY!!!

This week on the show:

Segment One:  The guys read your mail and discuss podcast censorship.  A new Z-List celeb is introduced and THE MOVIE MINUTE brings a review of Ghost In The Shell.

Segment Two:  FGS presents a pair of high flying and low riding dummies.  HOT TAKES cover Marvel's recent claim that diversity is killing comic book sales and TJ goes on a rampage, Nintendo cancels the Classic Edition, and The Last Jedi trailer is dissected.

Segment Three: REDDIT FUN asks "Without using standard measurements, how big are 'you' ".  Plus PICKS OF THE WEEK.

Open to one and all.... It's THE QUAD M SHOW!!!

Posted on April 18, 2017 .

#074 - The Las Vegas Raiders & The Definition Of Microwave

This week on the show:  The guys fancy the show up with new stingers as well as speak on the beauty of analytics. Jason tries out his new gun and TJ rants about attempting (& failing) a solo show. Plus a new Z LIST CELEBRITY FOLLOWER is presented.  In Segment Two, FGS brings us two idiots; one seeking questionable legal advice and the other just walks funny.  HOT TAKES gives us the Las Vegas Raiders, the WWE Hall Of Fame, and the Rick/Morty/McDonald's/Szechuan Chicken Sauce whopp-dee-doo. In addition, we also have a new SOUNDBITE OF THE WEEK to present. Segment Three concludes the show with Reddit Fun and favorite Urban Dictionary definitions. One week without is two weeks too long. It's THE QUAD M SHOW!!!

Posted on April 10, 2017 .

#073 - Celebrity Sex Tapes, Wonder Woman's Grooming Habits, & Star Wars Conspiracies

This week on the show:  It's a nerd's delight this week as the guys discussed the Paige/Xavier Woods sex tape scandal in Segment One. Segment Two brings FGS Awards involving donated cannabis to a Washington Goodwill and an oral hygienist who loves to bite. HOT TAKES covers the latest Wonder Woman 'controversy' that has idiots in an uproar and Star Wars conspiracy theories. Segment Three rounds us out with Reddit Fun and if Hitler owned a gay bar what would it be called?  This one's a doozie, folks.  It's THE QUAD M SHOW!!!

Posted on March 27, 2017 .

#072 - Mexican Standoffs, Grumpy Moose, & Shows Cancelled Far Too Soon

This week on the show: In Segment One, the guys give love to those who show love, Jason sleeps during car trips, and TJ discusses a small to-do in his backyard involving Highway Patrol, a crazed gunman, and sexy snipers.  In Segment Two, FGS teaches us that nothing good happens at a Denny's at 3am and leave the grumpy moose alone. The guys then wax philosophical about about great TV shows that got cancelled way too soon.  Segment Three brings us Reddit Fun and "Tell Us A Joke" so TJ can (fail to) guess the punchline. THE QUAD M SHOW's coming right at ya!!!

Posted on March 20, 2017 .