#016 - Blue Harvest

This week on the show, in celebration of The Force Awakens, TJ and Jessi take a trip down Star Wars memory lane. First experiences, the value of Porkins, and the evolution of Leia/Padme's hair.  An angry Oklahoma man plus East Indian hotel owners divided by credit card charges equals our FGS award for the week. Jessi discusses her Murphy's Law week. Also, Reddit Fun featuring albums that you can skip a song.  Happy Sweet Sixteen, Quad M Show!

Posted on December 22, 2015 .

#015 - Jason Hates On Scarface

In this week's episode, Jason gets a new laptop, TJ takes a 'day trip', a disheartening FGS Award, Hot Takes (featuring Kill Bill, Kojima, Fantastic Four, and PC educators who are WAY out of line), Reddit Fun involving tongues, and a pretty easy Pick Of The Week if you've been following the show. Take two.... they're small.

Posted on December 14, 2015 .

#014 Bonus - Dawn of Justice Uncut

A lot of editing was done to whittle down this past week's show.  Part of which was the Dawn of Justice thoughts during the Hot Takes segment.  A 20 minute rambling between TJ and Jason was pared down to about 5 minutes.. Here is the uncut segment featured thoughts on the trailer, who's our favorite actors to portray Batman and Joker, and (dammit) voice actors ARE real actors.  Enjoy.

Posted on December 12, 2015 .

#013 - Reno Recap, Turkey Day Fight Club, and Backwards In-compatibility

This week on the show: TJ, Jason, and Jessi (that's right, kids, IT'S A THREE WAY!!!) recap Wizard World Reno and all of it's crap-tastic fun and Turkey Day karaoke altercations.  TJ marks out for this weeks Z-List Celebrity Twitter Follower.  An FGS Award winner Utah schools and propaganda posters.  Abrams Lens Flare, PS4 Backwards Compatibility, Gremlins 3, MST3K, and Aliens: Covenant are discussed in Hot Takes.  Reddit Fun and Picks Of The Week.  At over 2 hours, this is one jam-packed show!!! 

Posted on November 30, 2015 .

#012 - "Asbestos and Disappointment" or "Cornhole In The Courtyard"

This week on the show, Jason returns from his birthday week off and TJ goes on two separate rants about his "love" of humanity.  The guys discuss G-N-R reunions, Jem failures, Ash versus Evil Dead awesomeness, and Mile High Comics takes advantage of the benefits of Denver's weed legalization.  Throw in some Z-List celebrity love, FGS Awards, and other Hot Takes and you got yourself a show.  Don't stand out in the cold. Warm yourself up with THE QUAD M SHOW! 

Posted on November 16, 2015 .

#011 - "So Here's The Thing..."

This week on the show TJ and guest co-host Jessi discuss parental flatulence, a new Z list celebrity follower on Twitter, The Crow reboot, and the Seth Rollins injury.  TJ voices his dismay over the Preacher trailer and goes ballistic over a "bleach blonde bimbo" with Fox News who "doesn't get" Star Wars.  An FGS Award winner involving a Norwegian and two moose.  "What's the laziest thing you've ever done?" in Reddit.  AND YOUR LETTERS!!! What more could anyone ask for?

Posted on November 9, 2015 .

#010 - State Resident Names, Horse Love, and Hideo Kojima

This week on the show, TJ quizzes Jason on names of state residents, Preacher teaser unleashed, X-Files gushing, an 'interview' with 'Hideo Kojima' (with a special surprise), an FGS Award involving forbidden love, Hot Takes, and Picks Of The Week. Quad M's hit the double digits! Yay!

Posted on November 2, 2015 .

#009 - A Conversation With Our Friend Taika

In this week's episode, Jason recounts a near death AirSoft experience, TJ waxes philosophical about the current state of pro wrestling. Star Wars news, Back To The Future Day, and 'Taika Waititi' joins us via phone to discuss Mark Ruffalo joining the Thor: Ragnorak cast. Throw in some Hot Takes, Picks of The Week, and an FGS award and you got yourself a show!  Hope your iPod can handle the awesomeness.

Posted on October 26, 2015 .

#008 - A Special Guest Host, Old Man Ass, and Randy Quaid

This week on the show TJ's better three-quarters, Jessi, fills in as co-host.  Join them as they discuss Kickstarter and the bots who only want to help, Randy Quaid and Shia Lebouf in the Hot Takes, Reddit fun with unnecessary sequels, FGS Awards, Picks Of The Week, and you! Remember, kids, you can't win if you don't play!

Posted on October 12, 2015 .

#007 - Salt Lake Comic Con Recap and our new friend Taika Waititi

Another fun-tastic Quad M Show hits the ground running with TJ's full recap of the Salt Lake Comic Con. A new celebrity Twitter follower is announced. FGS and Hot Take fun. Reddit Fun with Jason brings us celebrities we won't be surprised when they die....and Taike Waititi. Funner than a sack full of badgers!!!

Posted on October 5, 2015 .

#006 - Action Paxton, No More Reboots, and Separated At Birth...

This week TJ & Jason discuss upcoming indie film Four Months Until Fight Day with Writer/Producer/Director Marq Piocos, wax philosophical about why all-female and an all pretty boy versions Ghostbusters are doomed for failure, celebrate 31 years of Transformers on American TV, an ensure they will never be invited to Texas.  Pack a lunch 'cuz it's a long one, gang.

Posted on September 21, 2015 .

#005 - You wanted the best? You got geriatric pinch fights and computers seized...

In this weeks episode of the Quad M Show, TJ and Jason cover the Geritol slinging between Paul Stanley and Dee Snider, Gene Simmons' computers seized by the ICAC, Preacher series announced, an FGS award involving a mother-daughter knife fight over cinnamon buns, One Hit Wonders in the Fun With Reddit section, and as always our Picks of the Week.  The only thing missing is you...

Posted on September 14, 2015 .

#004 - Clear Sinuses, Dutch Ovens, and Phantom Pains.

This week on the show, TJ & Jason discuss the best and worst video game based movies, a Fred G. Sanford award winner involving Dutch Ovens gone "horribly, horribly wrong", a look back at Wes Craven, MCU inner turmoil, bucket list qualifying games, and our picks of the week. Stop on by and bring a friend.

Posted on September 7, 2015 .

003 - Why does it always have to be snakes?

This week TJ and Jason recap the Magic City Fantasy Con, discuss movies with the most F-bombs, dole out another FGS award, give a Hot Take on Rhonda Rousey's bid to become Captain Marvel, pine for The Phantom Pain, and enjoy more Reddit fun. It's a fully loaded show, gang!

Posted on August 31, 2015 .

#002 - Crap-tastic Four and the new adult Sesame Street

This week TJ & Jason discuss whether or not the Fantastic Four reboot was really as bad as the media says, CW announces plans for a new Friday the 13th series, Sesame Street signs a five year deal with HBO, the List O' Five, Reddit Fun with Jason, and our picks of the week.  Don't say we didn't warn you...

Posted on August 17, 2015 .

#001 - The Big Premiere Show

The Quad M Show comes to fruition. TJ & Jason discuss the debacle that was Galacticon 4, Instrumentals you know but can't name, 5 things we love/hate about comic book conventions, the first ever Fred G. Sanford Award, and our picks of the week.  Enjoy.

Posted on August 9, 2015 .